
it sounds like an interesting projects. Several IPMC already mentioned
they would like to be mentor. So I think it's on the right track.


On 29/10/2018 06:51, Willem Jiang wrote:
> It's look like a very interesting project. I'd like to be your mentor :)
> Please ping me if you have any question about incubating process, I'd
> like to share my journey with you.
> Willem Jiang
> Twitter: willemjiang
> Weibo: 姜宁willem
> On Mon, Oct 29, 2018 at 8:35 AM Xiangdong Huang <hxd...@qq.com> wrote:
>> Dear Apache Incubator Community,
>> I would like to open up a discussion about incubating IoTDB at Apache. IoTDB 
>> is a database for managing large amounts of time series data  from IoT 
>> sensors in industrial applications.
>> The proposal is available as a draft at 
>> https://wiki.apache.org/incubator/IoTDBProposal . I have also included the 
>> text of the proposal below.
>> = IoTDB Proposal  =
>> v0.1
>> == Abstract ==
>> IoTDB is a database for managing large amounts of time series data such as 
>> timestamped data from IoT sensors in industrial applications.
>> == Proposal ==
>> IoTDB is a database for managing large amount of time series data with 
>> columnar storage, data encoding, pre-computation, and index techniques. It 
>> has SQL-like interface to write millions of data points per second per node 
>> and is optimized to get query results in few seconds over trillions of data 
>> points. It can also be easily integrated with Apache Hadoop MapReduce and 
>> Apache Spark for analytics.
>> == Background ==
>> A new class of data management system requirements is becoming increasingly 
>> important with the rise of the Internet of Things. There are some database 
>> systems and technologies aimed at time series data management.  For example, 
>> Gorilla and InfluxDB which are mainly built for data centers and monitoring 
>> application metrics. Other systems, for example, OpenTSDB and KairosDB, are 
>> built on Apache HBase and Apache Cassandra, respectively.
>> However, many applications for time series data management have more 
>> requirements especially in industrial applications as follows:
>>  * Supporting time series data which has high data frequency. For example, a 
>> turbine engine may generate 1000 points per second (i.e., 1000Hz), while 
>> each CPU only reports 1 data points per 5 seconds in a data center 
>> monitoring application.
>>  * Supporting scanning data multi-resolutionally. For example, aggregation 
>> operation is important for time series data.
>>  * Supporting special queries for time series, such as pattern matching, 
>> time series segmentation, time-frequency transformation and frequency query.
>>  * Supporting a large number of monitoring targets (i.e. time series). An 
>> excavator may report more than 1000 time series, for example, revolving 
>> speed of the motor-engine, the speed of the excavator, the accelerated 
>> speed, the temperature of the water tank and so on, while a CPU or an 
>> application monitor has much fewer time series.
>>  * Optimization for out-of-order data points. In the industrial sector, it 
>> is common that equipment sends data using the UDP protocol rather than the 
>> TCP protocol. Sometimes, the network connect is unstable and parts of the 
>> data will be buffered for later sending.
>>  * Supporting long-term storage. Historical data is precious for equipment 
>> manufacturers. Therefore, removing or unloading historical data is highly 
>> desired for most industrial applications. The database system must not only 
>> support fast retrieval of historical data, but also should guarantee that 
>> the historical data does not impact the processing speed for “hot” or 
>> current data.
>>  * Supporting online transaction processing (OLTP) as well as complex 
>> analytics. It is obvious that supporting analyzing from the data files using 
>> Apache Spark/Apache Hadoop MapReduce directly is better than transforming 
>> data files to another file format for Big Data analytics.
>>  * Flexible deployment either on premise or in the cloud.  IoTDB is as 
>> simple and can be deployed on a Raspberry Pi handling hundreds of time 
>> series. Meanwhile, the system can be also deployed in the cloud so that it 
>> supports tens of millions ingestions per second, OLTP queries in 
>> milliseconds, and analytics using Apache Spark/Apache Hadoop MapReduce.
>>  * * (1) If users deploy IoTDB on a device, such as a Raspberry Pi, a wind 
>> turbine, or a meteorological station, the deployment of the chosen database 
>> is designed to be simple. A device may have hundreds of time series (but 
>> less than a thousand time series) and the database needs to handle them.
>>  * * (2) When deploying IoTDB in a data center, the computational resources 
>> (i.e., the hardware configuration of servers) is not a problem when compared 
>> to a Raspberry Pi. In this deployment, IoTDB can use more computation 
>> resources, and has the ability to handle more time seires (e.g., millions of 
>> time series).
>> Based on these requirements, we developed IoTDB, a new data store system for 
>> managing time series data.
>> IoTDB started as a Tsinghua University research project. IoTDB's developer 
>> community has also grown to include additional institutions, for example, 
>> universities (e.g., Fudan University), research labs (e.g, NEL-BDS lab), and 
>> corporations (e.g., K2Data, Tencent). Funding has been provided by various 
>> institutions including the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and 
>> industry sponsors, such as Lenovo and K2Data.
>> == Rationale ==
>> Because there is no existed open-sourced time series databases covering all 
>> the above requirements, we developed IoTDB. As the system matures, we are 
>> seeking a long-term home for the project. We believe the Apache Software 
>> Foundation would be an ideal fit. Also joining Apache will help coordinate 
>> and improve the development effort of the growing number of organizations 
>> which contribute to IoTDB improving the diversity of our community.
>> IoTDB contains multiple modules, which are classified into categories:
>>  * '''TsFile Format''': TsFile is a new columnar file format.
>>  * '''Adaptor for Analytics and Visualization''': Integrating TsFile with 
>> Apache Hadoop HDFS, Apache Hadoop MapReduce and Apache Spark. Examples of 
>> integrating IoTDB with Apache Kafka, Apache Storm and Grafana are also 
>> provided.
>>  * '''IoTDB Engine''': An engine which consists of SQL parser, query plan 
>> generator, memtable, authentication and authorization,write ahead log (WAL), 
>> crash recovery, out-of-order data handler, and index for aggregation and 
>> pattern matching. The engine stores system data in TsFile format.
>>  * '''IoTDB JDBC''': An implementation of Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) 
>> for clients to connect to IoTDB using Java.
>> === TsFile Format ===
>> TsFile format is a columnar store, which is similar with Apache Parquet and 
>> Apache CarbonData. It has the concepts of Chunk Group, Column Chunk, Page 
>> and Footer. Comparing with Apache Parquet and Apache CarbonData, it is 
>> designed and optimized for time series:
>> ==== Time Series Friendly Encoding ====
>> IoTDB currently supports run length encoding (RLE), delta-of-delta encoding, 
>> and Facebook's Gorilla encoding.
>> Lossy encoding methods (e.g., Piecewise Linear Approximation (PLA) and 
>> time-frequency transformation are works-in-progress.
>> ==== Chunk Group ====
>> The data part of a TsFile consists of many Chunk Groups. Each Chunk Group 
>> stores the data of a device at a time interval.  A Chunk Group is similar to 
>> the row group in Apache Parquet, while there are some constraints of the 
>> time dimension:  For each device, the time intervals of different Chunk 
>> Groups are not overlapped and the latter Chunk Group always has a larger 
>> timestamp.
>> Given a TsFile and a query with a time range filter, the query process can 
>> terminate scanning data once it reads data points whose timestamp reaches 
>> the time limit of the filter. We call the feature ''fast-return'' and it 
>> makes the time range query in a TsFile very efficient.
>> ==== Different Column Chunk Format (Unnecessary the Repetition (R) and 
>> Definition (D) Fields) ====
>> While Apache Parquet and Apache CarbonData support complex data types, e.g., 
>> nested data and sparse columns, TsFile is exclusively designed for time 
>> series whose data model is \<device_id, series_id, timestamp, value\>.
>> In a `Chunk Group`, each time series is a `Column Chunk`. Even though these 
>> time series belong to the same device, the data points in different time 
>> series are not aligned in the time dimension originally.
>> For example, if you have a device with 2 sensors on the same data collection 
>> frequencies, sensor 1 may collect data at time 1521622662000 while the other 
>> one collects data at time 1521622662001 (delta=1ms). Therefore, each Column 
>> Chunk has its timestamps and values, which is quite different from Apache 
>> Parquet and Apache CarbonData.  Because we store the time column along with 
>> each value column instead of making different chunks share the same time 
>> column for the sake of diverse data frequency for different time series, we 
>> do not store any null value on disk to align across time series. Besides, we 
>> do not need to attach  `repetition` (R) and `definition` (D) fields on each 
>> value. Therefore, the disk space is saved and the query latency is reduced 
>> (because we do not align data by calculating R and D fields).
>> ==== Domain Specific Information in Each Page ====
>> Similar to Apache Parquet and Apache CarbonData, a `Column Chunk` consists 
>> of several `Pages`, and each `Page` has a `Page header`. The `Page header` 
>> is a summary of the data in the page.
>> Because TsFile is optimized for time series, the page header contains more 
>> domain specific information, such as the minimal and maximal value, the 
>> minimal and the maximal timestamp, the frequency and so on. TsFile can even 
>> store the histogram of values in the page header.
>> This header information helps IoTDB in speeding up queries by skipping 
>> unnecessary pages.
>> === Adaptor for Analytics ===
>> The TsFile provides:
>>  * InputFormat/OutputFormat interfaces for Reading/Writing data.
>>  * Deep integration with Apache Spark/Hadoop MapReduce including predicate 
>> push-down, column pruning, aggregation push down, etc. So users can use 
>> Apache Spark SQL/HiveQL to connect and query TsFiles.
>> === IoTDB Engine ===
>> The IoTDB engine is a database engine, which uses TsFile as its storage file 
>> format. The IoTDB Engine supports SQL-like query plus many useful functions:
>>  * Tree-based time series schema
>>  * Log-Structured Merge (LSM)-based storage
>>  * Overflow file for out-of-order data
>>  * Scalable index framework
>>  * Special queries for time series
>> ==== Tree-based Time Series Schema ====
>> IoTDB manages all the time series definitions using a tree structure. A path 
>> from the root of the tree to a leaf node represents a time series. 
>> Therefore, the unique id of a time series is a path, e.g., 
>> `root.China.beijing.windFarm1.windTurbine1.speed`.
>> This kind of schema can express `group by` naturally. For example, 
>> `root.China.beijing.windFarm1.*.speed` represents the speed of all the wind 
>> turbines in wind farm 1 in Beijing, China.
>> ==== Log-Structured Merge (LSM)-based Storage ====
>> In a time series, the data points should be ordered by their timestamps. In 
>> IoTDB, we use Log-Structured Merge (LSM) based mechanism. Therefore, a part 
>> of the data is stored in memory first and can be called as `memtable`. At 
>> this time, if data points come out-of-order, we resort them in memory. When 
>> this part of data exceeds the configured memory limit, we flush it on disk 
>> as a `Chunk Group` into an unclosed TsFile.  Finally, a TsFile may contain 
>> several Chunk Groups, for reducing the number of small data files, which is 
>> helpful to reduce the I/O load of the storage system and reduces the 
>> execution time of a file-merge in LSM. Notice that the data is time-ordered 
>> in one Chunk Group on disk, and this layout is helpful for fast filtering in 
>> one Chunk Group for a query.
>> Rule 1: In a TsFile, the Chunk Groups of one device are ordered by timestamp 
>> (Rule 1), and it is helpful for fast filtering among Chunk Groups for a 
>> query.
>> Rule 2: When the size of the unclosed TsFile reaches the threshold defined 
>> in the configuration file, we close the file and generate a new one to store 
>> new arriving data spanning the entire data set. Like many systems which use 
>> LSM-based storage, we never modify a TsFile which has been closed except for 
>> the file-merge process (Rule 2).
>> Rule 3: To reduce the number of TsFiles involved in a query process, we 
>> guarantee that the data points in different TsFiles are not overlapping on 
>> the time dimension after file mergence (Rule 3).
>> ==== Overflow File for Out-of-order Data ====
>> When a part of data is flushed on disk (and will form a `Chunk Group` in a 
>> TsFile), the newly arriving data points whose timestamps are smaller than 
>> the largest timestamp in the Tsfile are `out-of-order`.
>> To store the out-of-order data, we organize all the troublesome 
>> `out-of-order` data point insertions into a special TsFile, named 
>> `UnSequenceTsFile`. In an UnSequenceTsFile, the Chunk Groups of one device 
>> may be overlapping in the time dimension, which violates the Rule 1 and 
>> costs additional time compared to a normal TsFile for query filtering.
>> There is another special operation: updating all the data points in a time 
>> range, e.g., `update all the speed values of device1 as 0 where the data 
>> time is in [1521622000000, 1521622662000]`. The operation is called when: 
>> (1) a sensor malfunctions and the database receives wrong data for a period; 
>> (2) we may want to reset all the records. Many NoSQL time series databases 
>> do not support such an operation. To support the operation in IoTDB, we use 
>> a tree-based structure, Treap, to store this part of operations and store 
>> them as `Overflow` files.
>> Therefore, there are 3 kinds of data files: TsFiles, UnSequenceTsFiles and 
>> Overflow files.  TsFiles should store most of the data. The volume of 
>> UnSequenceTsFiles depends on the workload: if there are too many 
>> out-of-order and the time span of out-of-order is huge, the volume will be 
>> large. Overflow files handle fewest data operations but will depend on the 
>> use of the special operations.
>> ==== LSM-tree ====
>> Normally, LSM-based storage engines merge data files level by level so that 
>> it looks like a tree structure. In this way, data is well organized. The 
>> disadvantage is that data will be read and written several times. If the 
>> tree has 4 levels, each data point will be rewritten at least 4 times.
>> Currently, we do not merge all the TsFiles into one because (1) the number 
>> of TsFiles is kept lower than many LSM storage engines because a memtable is 
>> mapped to several Chunk Groups rather than a file; (2) different TsFiles are 
>> not overlapping with each other in the time dimension (because of Rule 3).
>> As mentioned before,  TsFile supports ''fast-return'' to accelerate queries. 
>> However, UnSequenceTsFile and Overflow files do not allow this feature. The 
>> time spans of UnSequenceTsFile, Overflow file andTsFile may be overlapped, 
>> which leads to more files involved in the query process. To accelerate these 
>> queries, there is a merging process to reorganize files in the background. 
>> All the three kinds of files: TsFiles, UnSequenceTsFiles and Overflow files, 
>> are involved in the merging process. The merging process is implemented 
>> using multi-threading, while each thread is responsible for a series family.
>> After merging, only TsFiles are left. These files have non-overlapping time 
>> spans and support the ''fast-return'' feature.
>> ==== Scalable Index Framework ====
>> We allow users to implement indexes for faster queries. We currently support 
>> an index for pattern matching query (KV-Match index, ICDE 2019). Another 
>> index for fast aggregation (PISA index, CIKM 2016) is a work-in-progress.
>> ==== Special Queries ====
>> We currently support `group by time interval` aggregation queries and `Fill 
>> by` operations, which are similar to those of InfluxDB. Time series 
>> segmentation operations and frequency queries are work-in-progress.
>> == Initial Goals ==
>> The initial goals are to be open sourced and to integrate with the Apache 
>> development process. Furthermore, we plan for incremental development, and 
>> releases along with the Apache guidelines.
>> == Current Status ==
>> We have developed the system for more than 2 years. There are currently 13k 
>> lines of code, some of which are generated by Antlr3 and Thrift.  There are 
>> 230 issues which have been solved and more than 1500 commits.
>> The system has been deployed in the staging environment of the State Grid 
>> Corporation of China to handle ~3 million time series (i.e, ~30,000 power 
>> generation assembly * ~100 sensors) and an equipment service company in 
>> China managing ~2 million time series (i.e, ~20k devices * 100 sensors). The 
>> insertion speed reaches ~2 million points/second/node, which is faster than 
>> InfluxDB, OpenTSDB and Apache Cassandra in our environment.
>> There are many new features in the works including those mentioned herein. 
>> We will add more analytics functions, improve the data file merge process, 
>> and finish the first released version of IoTDB.
>> == Meritocracy ==
>> The IoTDB project operates on meritocratic principles. Developers who submit 
>> more code with higher quality earn more merit. We have used `Issues` and 
>> `Pull Requests` modules on Github for collecting users' suggestions and 
>> patches. Users who submit issues, pull requests, documents and help the 
>> community management are welcomed and encouraged to become committers.
>> == Community ==
>> The IoTDB project users communicate on Github 
>> (https://github.com/thulab/tsfile) . Developers make the communication on a 
>> website which is similar with JIRA (Currently, only registered users can 
>> apply to access the project for communication, url: 
>> https://tower.im/projects/36de8571a0ff4833ae9d7f1c5c400c22/). We have also 
>> introduced IoTDB at many technical conferences. Next, we will build the 
>> mailing list for more convenience, broader communication and archived 
>> discussions.
>> If IoTDB is accepted for incubation at the Apache Software Foundation, the 
>> primary goal is to build a larger community. We believe that IoTDB will 
>> become a key project for time series data management, and so, we will rely 
>> on a large community of users and developers.
>> TODO: IoTDB is currently on a private Github repository 
>> (https://github.com/thulab/iotdb), while its subproject TsFile (a file 
>> format for storing time series data) is open sourced on Github 
>> (https://github.com/thulab/tsfile).
>> == Core Developers ==
>> IoTDB was initially developed by 2 dozen of students and teachers at 
>> Tsinghua University. Now, more and more developers have joined coming from 
>> other universities: Fudan University, Northwestern Polytechnical University 
>> and Harbin Institute of Technology in China.  Other developers come from 
>> business companies such as Lenovo and Microsoft. We will be working to bring 
>> more and more developers into the project making contributions to IoTDB.
>> == Relationships with Other Apache Products ==
>> IoTDB requires some Apache products (Apache Thrift, commons, collections, 
>> httpclient).
>> IoTDB-Spark-connector and IoTDB-Hadoop-connector have been developed for 
>> supporting analysing time series data by using Apache Spark and MapReduce.
>> Overall, IoTDB is designed as an open architecture, and it can be integrated 
>> with many other systems in the future.
>> As mentioned before, in the IoTDB project, we designed a new columnar file 
>> format, called TsFile, which is similar to Apache Parquet. However, the new 
>> file format is optimized for time series data.
>> == Known Risks ==
>> === Orphaned Products ===
>> Given the current level of investment in IoTDB, the risk of the project 
>> being abandoned is minimal. Time series data is more and more important and 
>> there are several constituents who are highly inspired to continue 
>> development. Tsinghua and NEL-BDS Lab relies on IoTDB as a platform for a 
>> large number of long-term research projects. We have deployed IoTDB in some 
>> company's staging environments for future applications.
>> === Inexperience with Open Source ===
>> Students and researchers in Tsinghua University have been developing and 
>> using open source software for a long time. It is wonderful to be guided to 
>> join a formal open-source process for students. Some of our committers
>> have  experiences contributing to open source, for example:
>>  * druid: 
>> https://github.com/druid-io/druid/commit/f18cc5df97e5826c2dd8ffafba9fcb69d10a4d44
>>  * druid: 
>> https://github.com/druid-io/druid/commit/aa7aee53ce524b7887b218333166941654788794
>>  * YCSB: https://github.com/brianfrankcooper/YCSB/pull/776
>> Additionally, several ASF veterans and industry veterans have agreed to 
>> mentor the project and are listed in this proposal. The project will rely on 
>> their guidance and collective wisdom to quickly transition the entire team 
>> of initial committers towards practicing the Apache Way.
>> === Reliance on Salaried Developers ===
>> Most of current developers are students and researchers/professors in 
>> universities, and their researches focus on big data management and 
>> analytics. It is unlikely that they will change their research focus away 
>> from big data management.  We will work to ensure that the ability for the 
>> project to continuously be stewarded and to proceed forward independent of 
>> salaried developers is continued.
>> === An Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand ===
>> Most of the initial developers come from Tsinghua University with no intent 
>> to use the Apache brand for profit. We have no plans for making use of 
>> Apache brand in press releases nor posting billboards advertising acceptance 
>> of IoTDB into Apache Incubator.
>> == Initial Source ==
>> IoTDB's github address and some required dependencies:
>>  * The storage file format: https://github.com/thulab/tsfile
>>  * Adaptor for Apache Hadoop MapReduce: 
>> https://github.com/thulab/tsfile-hadoop-connector
>>  * Adaptor for Apache Spark: https://github.com/thulab/tsfile-spark-connector
>>  * Adaptor for Grafana: https://github.com/thulab/iotdb-grafana
>>  * The database engine: https://github.com/thulab/iotdb (private project up 
>> to now)
>>  * The client driver: https://github.com/thulab/iotdb-jdbc
>> === External Dependencies ===
>> To the best of our knowledge, all dependencies of IoTDB are distributed 
>> under Apache compatible licenses. Upon acceptance to the incubator, we would 
>> begin a thorough analysis of all transitive dependencies to verify this fact 
>> and introduce license checking into the build and release process.
>> == Documentation ==
>>  * Documentation for TsFile: https://github.com/thulab/tsfile/wiki
>>  * Documentation for IoTDB and its JDBC:  http://tsfile.org/document 
>> (Chinese only. An English version is in progress.)
>> == Required Resources ==
>> === Mailing Lists ===
>>  * priv...@iotdb.incubator.apache.org
>>  * d...@iotdb.incubator.apache.org
>>  * comm...@iotdb.incubator.apache.org
>> === Git Repositories ===
>>  * https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator-iotdb.git
>> === Issue Tracking ===
>>  *  JIRA IoTDB (We currently use the issue management provided by Github to 
>> track issues.)
>> == Initial Committers ==
>> Tsinghua University, K2Data Company, Lenovo, Fundan University, Microsoft
>> Jianmin Wang ( jimwang at tsinghua dot edu dot cn )
>> Jun Yuan (richard_yuan16 at 163 dot com  )
>> Chen Wang ( wang_chen at tsinghua dot edu dot cn)
>> Xiangdong Huang (sainthxd at gmail dot com)
>> Jialin Qiao (qjl16 at mails dot tsinghua dot edu dot cn)
>> Jinrui Zhang (jinrzhan at microsoft dot com)
>> Rong Kang (kr11 at mails dot tsinghua dot edu dot cn)
>> Tian Jiang(jiangtia18 at mails dot tsinghua dot edu dot cn)
>> Lei Rui (rl18 at mails dot tsinghua dot edu dot cn)
>> Rui Liu (liur17 at mails dot tsinghua dot edu dot cn)
>> Kun Liu (liukun16 at mails dot tsinghua dot edu dot cn)
>> Gaofei Cao (cgf16 at mails dot tsinghua dot edu dot cn)
>> Yi Xu(x-y16 at mails dot tsinghua dot edu dot cn)
>> Xinyi Zhao (xyzhao16 at mails dot tsinghua dot edu dot cn)
>> Dongfang Mao (maodf17 at mails dot tsinghua dot edu dot cn)
>> Tianan Li(lta18 at mails dot tsinghua dot edu dot cn)
>> Yue Su (suy18 at mails dot tsinghua dot edu dot cn)
>> Wangminhao Gou(gwmh18 at mails dot tsinghua dot edu dot cn)
>> == Sponsors ==
>> === Champion ===
>> Kevin A. McGrail (kmcgr...@apache.org)
>> === Nominated Mentors ===
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