Hello everyone,

I should have thought of this before, but I didn't. I also did some
research in the mailing list archives, but the search terms are so common,
I didn't come up with anything.

Meritocracy is valued strongly at the ASF. Usually it is granted post-fact
when someone has proven her- or himself. There are lots of problems with
that too, but this is not about that.

This is related to the Training proposal on this list that I started

Proposals (and this especially) are a way to be granted something that you
usually have to work for (prove merit). I'm wondering what has been done in
the past in these situations? Is everyone just added to the list of
contributors/PMC members? There is no real limit to the number of people
that can be part of the initial team as far as I know.

Now, I know some of the people who have contacted me, and I am honored that
they chose to work with me/us on this project. Most people on here I have
never met though and even though I may have read some names on the mailing
list I have no way of assessing whether they are a good fit for a project.
I would usually just trust implicitly (by being on this list, contributor
to other projects etc.) and would say "the more the merrier". In this case
I happen to be the one who's written the proposal but it could have been
anyone really. Should it really be me judging who's a good fit? When do
we/I say "stop, we have enough"?

On the other hand, it would be a pity to have a PMC/initial contributors
list with inactive people and no way to "prune" it. This can be problematic
depending on bylaws (which I've been bitten by already in another project)
and for other reasons.

I'm looking for any advice and past experiences.


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