On Tue, Aug 13, 2019 at 7:10 PM Justin Mclean <jus...@classsoftware.com>

> Hi,
> > Here's an idea... The IPMC focuses on supporting mentors to do their job
> rather than forcing project developers and their mentors to jump through
> arbitrarily defined hoops.
> What "arbitrarily defined hoops” are you referring to? ASF policy or
> something else?

Hoops constructed by the IPMC. Like a secondary release vote on general@

> >  The IPMC doesn't need to enforce policy of any kind, except at the
> point of graduation.
> That seems less than ideal to me, why would a IPMC volunteer want to do
> that job? And again IMO it introduces a hard gate that podlings are going
> to dislike, probably more so than they do now.

They are gated day by day by day. Empirically, we already know the podlings
dislike this.

Let the podlings do their work. And say "nope. can't graduate now." ...
until they can.



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