Only replying because I'm called out explicitly.

Documentation does not solve the problem. If someone doesn't already "get" this 
stuff then they should not be mentoring. Having a document does not replace for 
selecting good mentors who have the time to do the job right.

It's a good effort in the broader context, but doesn't solve the problem I see 
in the IPMC (insufficient high quality mentoring coupled with too much 
application of rules in the process). The proposed doc is interesting but it's 
just more words, We need more action.

How would I solve the problem? If I were championing another project into the 
ASF I would carefully select mentors, just as I have in the past. I'd select 
those who don't need the above document and who I'm confident will pay 
attention and be constructive. I'd then work with those mentors and the 
community to ensure people coming through the process are equipped to help me 
on the next project I champion.

This is not new. It's how we setup the Incubator in the first place. But over 
the years it has become a machine rather than personal relationships. More 
words about the design of the machine won't change this.

I don't mean to say the effort you are putting in is wasted effort. Clarity in 
what is expected can help the podlings, but I don't see how this can really 
help those people I would already trust to be good mentors i.e. People who have 
a vested interest in the success of the project and already know how to apply 
the Apache Way to new communities so that they might flourish in their own way.



Sent from my phone, you know what that means - sorry

From: Justin Mclean <>
Sent: Saturday, August 17, 2019 6:26:32 PM
To: <>
Subject: Re: [MENTORS] Mentor guidance document


I've had hoped I'd get more of a response to the mentor guidance documentation 
I suggested. Perhaps it got lost in the other noise?;data=02%7C01%7C%7C0e716c1bb8a74438cd0108d7237b24aa%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C637016884106582384&amp;sdata=9v85p9zRNDFHPp3yJgpVp7GUz%2F0NDNvC8vQuZjT4X50%3D&amp;reserved=0

Jim and Ross, you have recently stated that you are concerned about the erosion 
of our values and principles. It would be great to see your input on this. If 
you have other idea one how these values can be better passed to incubating 
incubation it would be great to hear.

I also welcome other IPMC members who have experience and can offer some advice 
to other mentors.

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