Hi Craig,

As the PPMC of Apache ShardingSphere (Incubating), i would like to share our 
experience of community growing. Hope it could provide some help to you. :-)

## The data of our community growing
As i summarized in our dev@list [1], we made a great improvement of community 
growing last year. More contributors, committers and PPMC joined us during 
2019. Many thanks to Craig, Willem Jiang, Gosling, Justin and Sheng Wu.

## How to make community grow up

### Guideline
When we entered into incubator at the beginning, actually we did not have a 
better understanding of Apache way, and could not put community first. A 
guideline or docs are very important to tell us how to do to, or what we should 
do to walk on the road of Apache way. And [2] is a good manual, we thought.

### Performance
1. Be open and welcome anyone.
Since we are doing open-source, we should not put code beyond community and 
make the committer bar so high due to worrying about some wrong changes from 
After discussion in thread [3], we made our committer bar lower and began to be 
open to anyone.

2. Detailed Document
Document could help novice learn about your project quickly, and they could get 
some font help as well. We are continually add something new to documents, like 
[4], which will help committers do release easier
 and standard.

3. Volunteer issue list
A list of tasks or issues helping people who wants to learn or join to know 
what issues they can begin with. What’s more, issue list could also provide 
archived threads for users.

4. Talking open
We would like to make our main talkings open to let anyone know what is 
happening in our community, which gives people sense of participation. 
Meanwhile, some important discussion or conclusion will be pushed into 
our dev mail list.

5. Promotion
Sometimes, we are invited to give some talkings in conferences or hold our 
meet-up [5]. It is very important to let people know you, and maybe become 
interested in you. I guess this is the first step to interact with your 

6. Listen to mentor or other communities’ advices
Just as this title said, we are willing to listen to your valuable opinions or 
experiences. Would you like to share your idea to us? Thanks in advance.

Oh, it is a long article. I guess only a few of people would give it a look… 
But, i am willing to share those things, and appreciated if you could get 
something from it.

Best wishes to everyone.


[2] https://community.apache.org/apache-way/apache-project-maturity-model.html
[4] https://shardingsphere.apache.org/community/en/contribute/release/
[5] https://twitter.com/ShardingSphere

 Juan Pan (Trista) 
Senior DBA & PPMC of Apache ShardingSphere(Incubating)
E-mail: panj...@apache.org

On 01/22/2020 09:30,Craig Russell<apache....@gmail.com> wrote:

I'm working on a presentation to the Huawei Developer Conference in Shenzhen 
February 11 on the subject of "Growing Communities The Apache Way".

I'd like to share with the audience some stories of Apache Projects that have 
grown their communities, either in the incubator or after becoming a top level 

What I'd like is some facts to discuss, e.g. community makeup before entering 
incubator, community exiting incubator, any special actions done by the 
community to encourage growth, etc. With some details, I can share the 
projects' successes with the developers at the conference.

Any help is very appreciated. I'll need any input by Friday January 31 (10 days 
from now; a day before FOSDEM).



Craig L Russell

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