Dear Incubator:

A month ago we brought up the discussion about graduating TVM as TLP.
After great discussions in the apache way [1], we get good support from the
incubator and also get helpful feedback about producing another release.
The TVM PPMC always focused on getting consensus, and is fully committed to
building a better community, as a result, we decided to withdraw
the graduation until there has been another release.
Now that the community has produced another release by two new release
managers from different organizations.

We feel it is the right time to bring up this topic.

Here is the summary of the state:


Compliance is what every project is required to do. These policies are set
to protect Apache’s brand,
encourage community over code and set a common foundation for the projects.
Usually compliance is well documented (as per-apache way, what is not
documented did not happen).
The TVM PPMC has been diligently upholding compliances, including, but not
limited to

- T0 Project website hosted at ASF
- T1 Produce apache release, no cat-X code.
- T2 No advertising non-release items as Apache release.
- T3 Protect Apache brand, working with trademark to resolve branding
- T4 Clearly marks third party artifacts and makes sure they comply with
trademark policies.
- T5 Open development: everyone happens (also) happens on dev@
- T6 Consider all forms of contributions for committer nomination.
- T7 Make sure release processes are clearly documented, reproducible by
any committers.


The “community over code” is one of the most important factors of
the Apache way.
The TVM PPMC has been working very hard to foster a healthy, diverse and
independent community,
and will continue to do so.

- C0: Consider all forms of contributions as merit.
- C1: Encourage community diversity by only nominating people from
different organizations.
- C2: Actively discusses, and brings in new committers from diverse
    The community grows healthily and is quite vibrant.

Thank you!

- [1]
- [2] Maturity

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