Thanks for the clarity, David.

Given the clear "commit trail" for individual committers and the ICLAs I don't 
see a problem there.   I think the only question that may need a bit more 
clarity is the relationship of Dremio to the contributions.  I know my own 
employer has boilerplate legal claims on any open source work I do using 
company equipment or during "working hours" but there is also a process to 
allow/approve contributions.  

Can you elaborate on any corporate relationship to the contributions and if 
there is a process for open source contributions, particularly if the 
contributors used corporate computers or labor, and whether this is addressed 
in the CCLA?

On 7/17/22, 8:15 PM, "David Li" <> wrote:


    Sorry for some of the confusion here, I'll try to explain. (Apologies if 
this does not get linked back up correctly to the thread - Pony Mail does not 
let me login and the mailto: link generates a URL which is too long).

    I did preemptively ask the contributors to add the Apache license 
boilerplate before final submission, so apologies for the confusion there. The 
original files as I recall either had the header or did not have any header. 

    There was a short discussion on the Arrow dev@ list at [1] where we decided 
to go through the IP clearance process to make sure everything was clear, since 
when the PR was first submitted, it had been developed for a long time outside 
the community (with commits dating back to 2020, although the PR was submitted 
in 2022).

    I believe Abner submitted an ICLA. I will re-confirm with the authors (I 
can't appear to view this information myself on the Apache side). 


    Hopefully this helps,

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