+1 (binding)


On Wed, Oct 19, 2022 at 10:04 AM Claude Warren, Jr
<claude.war...@aiven.io.invalid> wrote:
> After reviewing the [DISCUSS] threads concerning bringing Pekko into the
> incubator [1][2], and finding that there is no further comment, I am
> calling for a VOTE to accept Pekko into the Apache Incubator.  The text of
> the proposal is included below for convenience, final and definitive text
> is in the Pekko Proposal from the Incubator wiki.[3] .
> Thank you for your time and consideration,
> Claude
> [1] https://lists.apache.org/thread/1t0x6d815td9dgjxhck51b5txcjm28rr
> [2] https://lists.apache.org/thread/cjo86gdwvqlqslq68gd0c8hxq6ds6yrz
> [3] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/INCUBATOR/PekkoProposal
> *Pekko Proposal*
> *Abstract*
> Pekko is a toolkit and an ecosystem for building highly concurrent,
> distributed, reactive and resilient applications for Java and Scala.
> *Proposal*
> Pekko is a toolkit that brings the actor model (popularised by Erlang) to
> the JVM, providing the basis for building both locally and distributed
> concurrency. On top of this Pekko provides a rich set of libraries built on
> top of Actors to solve modern problems, including:
>    - Streams: Fully bi-directional backpressured streams following the
>    Reactive manifesto
>    - HTTP: A fully streamed HTTP client/server built on top of streams that
>    also provides expected tools (such as connection pooling) necessary for
>    highly available web services
>    - connectors: A rich set of connectors for various databases, messaging,
>    persistent services built on top of streams
>    - grpc: A gRPC server/client
>    - projection: Provides abstractions necessary for CQRS pattern such as
>    envelope, necessary for systems such as Kafka.
> *Background*
> Pekko is a fork of the Akka project just before its licence changed from
> Apache 2 to Business Source License 1.1. The project provides a set of
> tools and frameworks that covers the complex problem space of distributed
> concurrent systems. It is designed to support the design principles of the
> Reactive Manifesto by providing components to efficiently scale up systems
> within a server or scale out across multiple servers, are high performance,
> resilient to failure, distributed systems without a single point of failure.
> *Rationale*
> There is a large cohort of applications and libraries that were dependent
> upon the original open source version of this project. Numerous developers
> contributed their time in the belief that the project would stay open
> source. When the licence was changed the work of those developers was
> locked up and a vital resource for the cohort of applications and libraries
> disappeared. Apache Flink is an example of a library that used the original
> library upon which this project is based. This project is to continue the
> open source development that was promised under the original Apache 2
> licence. We ask that the Apache Foundation accept this project so as to
> prevent any future incompatible licence switch in the future.
> Apache has a long standing tradition of not accepting hostile forks. There
> has been some discussion of whether this project violates that tradition.
> We believe that it does not.
> For many years, Lightbend has been a steward for this open source project,
> attracting contributions from many developers and building a community
> under the Apache License. It's within their rights to offer their future
> work under a different licence. The Pekko project will provide the
> continuity of an Apache-licensed home for long-term support, maintenance
> and new features for the developers that wish to continue using and
> building on their previous work. The major historical reason why Apache
> would be a good home for Pekko is that it will protect the project from
> licence changes similar to what is instigating the initial incubation
> proposal. If Pekko becomes part of Apache then it gives confidence to the
> community/users of Pekko that such an incident won’t happen in the future
> again. There are also currently existing Apache projects such as Flink that
> use Akka to varying degrees and hence having Pekko to be part of Apache
> gives confidence to these other Apache projects. We believe that this fork
> is a maintenance of the pre-existing Apache 2 licence and ask that the
> Apache community view it as such.
> In general, Akka had a very large penetration in both Scala and Java
> codebases, particularly in large scale enterprise projects/systems. Since
> it is a JVM based library it fits well into the Apache ecosystem. We feel
> that we can contribute to the stability of existing Apache projects as
> Apache can contribute to the stability of Pekko.
> *Initial Goals*
> Due to the sheer size of Akka, initial goals will be largely be adjusting
> and modifying the codebase so its fit for community orientated
> contributions, this includes:
>    - Removing the Akka trademark from all sections in the code.
>    - Setting up the build system using github actions to make sure we have
>    a CI system setup whenever pull requests are made (some Akka projects use
>    github actions already, in which case we need to make sure it still works
>    after the work).
>    - Also using github actions for Maven/Github releases, in Scala/SBT
>    projects it's typical to trigger a release when a person with necessary
>    rights pushes a signed git tag. Also need to find a solution for the
>    official Apache source SVN release.
>    - Other adjustments such as using testcontainers to minimise the
>    friction in running tests for projects such as containers.
>    - Update all of the documentation to be appropriate for an Apache
>    project (as well as using the project’s name).
>    - Assure continuity of security fixes and update on the existing
>    Apache-licensed code, which might otherwise be at risk.
>    - Continuously building community and identifying the contributors that
>    might assume project management roles for a successful graduation.
>    - Port and/or merge currently open contributions/PR’s from Akka
>    community, if they are willing, which are currently frozen due to the
>    licence change.
>    - This will be done after the first release of Pekko to accommodate for
>    companies that were using Akka so that they can use a version of Pekko that
>    is functionally equivalent to the last Apache release of Akka.
> *Current StatusMeritocracy:*
> The project upon which Pekko is based was initially very welcoming to
> contributions from external developers. However, they were controlled by a
> commercial entity. Some projects were labelled as “community driven
> projects”, those would not have the guarantee from the entity to have a
> dedicated person working on them, so they needed to rely on community
> participation. The entity allowed trusted external developers to commit to
> the code base and have write access to these mentioned community
> repositories. The new management team understands that, and hopes that
> developers will become engaged with the project and will help drive the
> development of processes as well as code so that we can become the
> welcoming development team we hope to be.
> Many of the core developers are experienced Apache developers working on
> other projects. Through their understanding and the work of the mentors we
> are assured that a meritocracy will thrive around this community.
> *Community*:
> Akka being an already established open source project already has a
> community. This community was present in many channels, such as
>    - Scala reddit (/r/scala)
>    - Akka gitter channel
>    - Lightbend forums
>    - Scala community forums
> It is expected that once Pekko is launched a portion of this community
> (specifically the ones interested in open source contributions) would
> migrate to Pekko’s mailing list.
> Early discussions in existing community forums have shown that there is
> interest in an Apache project and we have commitment from several channels
> to contribute to this project.
> Early participants in the discussions forming this project are participants
> in the above channels and have a broad reach that will bring other
> developers into the project. In addition to software developers we have
> documentation specialists and test engineers participating. We have a broad
> community. And while it does not have the depth we would like, we believe
> that it will continue to grow as we move forward.
> *Core Developers:*
> The individuals on the committer list are ones who have a history of
> contributing to the Akka project before the licence change as well as
> individuals that participated in community discussion on various Akka
> forums (i.e. Lightbend forums). In addition the individuals have a history
> of working and contributing to open source projects.
> Sean Glover is a former member of the Akka team. He primarily maintained
> Akka Streams and related projects Alpakka and Alpakka Kafka. He currently
> uses Akka on the job and in other OSS projects he maintains.
> Phillip Warburton feels he is not enough of an expert to contribute code
> but is interested in contributing in to document clean-room fixes.
> Andy Chen is a contributor on Akka and his work is based on the Akka
> libraries.
> Jean-Luc Deprez works on a small team, mid sized software company,
> subsidiary of a large corporate group. His team built a project on top of
> Akka. The September 7th licence change came as a pretty hard personal blow.
> He will divert his community participation this way, contributing in
> discussions and issues. If the team figure out a fix, you can count on a PR.
> Greg Methvin is a maintainer on Play Framework (which is now
> community-maintained). We are evaluating whether this can serve as a
> replacement for Lightbend Akka going forward, as opposed to moving off Akka
> entirely.
> Nicolas Vollmar is a maintainer on the akka-kryo-serialization project.
> PJ Fanning maintains a few akka related projects: swagger-akka-http and
> micrometer-akka.
> Daniel Schröter is a maintainer of the akka-kryo-serialization project.
> Altoo is using akka and has been regularly submitting bugfixes/improvements
> to akka.
> Josep Prat is the top 5 contributor of the Akka HTTP module and did all
> contributions during his spare time, also he is in position 45 of all time
> committers in the Akka project.
> Matthew de Detrich is a contributor to both Akka and Alpakka, submitting
> extra feature improvements as well as the wider Scala OS ecosystem in
> general (i.e. contributions to Scala stdlib itself, Scalatest etc etc).
> Most of these contributions were done in his spare time.
> Alexandru Nedelcu created Monix which is one of the popular
> reactive/future/IO implementation used within the Scala ecosystem that
> adheres to the Reactive Streams protocol. He is a very prolific contributor
> to the Scala OS ecosystem, having been previously part of the Typelevel
> steering committee and also happens to works at a company that heavily uses
> Akka for its payment systems.
> Johannes Rudolph is a major contributor to akka and the lead developer for
> akka-http.
> *Alignment:*
> Apache Flink is using Akka however they are looking for a replacement due
> to the licence change. We expect that other Apache projects will require
> the same.
> We believe that we can be a good community member.
> *Known RisksProject Name*
> Several names were floated to replace the Akka name. There was a community
> discussion and vote around the name
> We have selected the name Pekko after a vote on candidate names. Akka is
> the Finnish goddess of fertility and the earth. Pekko is the FInnish god of
> farming & protector of the crops which create a nice analogy in a sense. We
> pronounce the name Peck-O.
> A search of the WIPO database and EU IPO Search did not turn up any active
> Nice category 9 trademark registrations containing the phrase “pekko”. All
> results were “pekko” compounded with other phrases.
> *Orphaned products*
> Pekko provides libraries that are used by major companies, Apache projects,
> and individuals. The initial development team comprises representatives
> from these organisations. We believe that Pekko will attract open source
> developers that have contributed to Akka in the past and want to see their
> work continue to be open source. We are here, not because we are a
> potentially orphaned product, but rather because the contributors to the
> existing product want to see the open source project continue.
> *Inexperience with Open Source:*
> The project upon which Pekko is based was, as noted above, an open source
> project. The developers that wish to continue with the development
> understand open source projects. Several of the developers are committers
> on other Apache projects. Several are members of open source project
> offices at their respective employers. Several of our members are
> experienced in developing communities around open source projects.
> *Length of Incubation:*
> We expect that the incubation process will be quite long as we have
> significant code cleanup and documentation scrubbing to be completed. In
> addition we need to configure the Apache build systems to properly build
> what is a fairly complex project (i.e. akka core has tests that require
> multi node machines). An incubation of 1-2 years would not be unexpected.
> *Homogenous Developers:*
> The current list of committers spans Asia, Europe, and the Americas. All
> are experienced in working in distributed environments. While there are
> cultural differences, all are committed to open source development.
> *Reliance on Salaried Developers:*
> While several of the developers have the same employer, no employer has
> specifically stated that they are committing developers to Pekko. Any
> commercial contributions of time/effort are due to the need for
> changes/fixes to the libraries used by the commercial entities.
> All developers have shown a specific interest in keeping this project open
> source and we expect that future developers will join for the same reasons.
> *Relationships with Other Apache Products:*
> As noted above Akka is used by Apache Flink though Flink is planning to
> migrate away. We anticipate that they will transition to Pekko when it
> becomes available. We expect that other projects may find the library of
> use.
> *An Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand:*
> We understand the need to protect the Apache brand. We also understand that
> the Apache brand brings a licensing guarantee. While we are desirous of the
> licensing guarantee, we believe that the project we are bringing is viable
> and important. We think that it will provide support for at least two
> existing Apache projects and contribute to the strength of the Apache brand
> world wide.
> *Documentation*
> The current documentation can be found at https://akka.io/docs Other
> documentation is available as .md files within the source tree of the
> project.
> *Initial Source*
> The original source comes from the Lightbend Akka github repository before
> they transitioned to the Business Source License. The code base to be
> imported resides in several repositories under the control of Matthew
> Benedict de Detrich, the base one being
> https://github.com/mdedetrich/akka-apache-project
> *Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan*
> Since Pekko is forked from an already existing Akka codebase there is a
> high chance that there may be existing IP/trademarks in the codebase that
> needs to be screened. The Akka name itself needs to be changed/removed
> entirely from the codebase.
> In addition there are already existing github triggers and other mechanisms
> that build and test the system. We will need to review the triggers to
> determine how to implement the same or similar functionality on the Apache
> infrastructure.
> Our high level plan is to:
>    1. A lift and shift of the existing github core repository into the
>    Apache repository.
>    2. Modification of the build and test process to run on the Apache build
>    infrastructure.
>    3. Emphasis on the dev and user mailing lists for help requests and
>    discussions.
>    4. Development and modification of project documentation.
>    5. Create a “release” 0.1.0.
>    6. Verify release
>    7. Functionality
>    8. Documentation
>    9. Meets Apache standards
>    10. Continue using the above process to migrate additional libraries to
>    the Apache libraries with each one being a release “0.x.0”
>    11. Upon completion of the migration of all pertinent libraries release
>    1.0.0
>    12. This strategy gives us the opportunity of learning the Apache way
>    and the Apache infrastructure with small modules before we move into the
>    more complex systems, building up layer by layer until we have a complete
>    first release.
> *External Dependencies:*
> The initial code was licensed under Apache Source License v2. As such we
> believe that it meets all the requirements for external dependencies.
> However, as part of the incubation process we will verify that all
> dependencies have appropriate licences. Any dependencies that do not meet
> the requirements will be removed and alternative libraries or code used
> instead.
> *Cryptography:*
> We believe that there is no cryptographic code in the code base. However,
> as part of the incubation process we will verify that this is true.
> *Required ResourcesMailing lists:*
> priv...@pekko.incubator.apache.org
> d...@pekko.incubator.apache.org
> us...@pekko.incubator.apache.org
> comm...@pekko.incubator.apache.org
> Subversion Directory:
> We do not intend to use subversion.
> *Git Repositories:*
> https://gitbox.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator-pekko.git
> *Issue Tracking:*
> JIRA Pekko (PEKKO)
> *Initial Committers*
> Matthew de Detrich mdedetr...@gmail.com (CLA submitted)
> Josep Prat jo...@prat.tech (CLA submitted)
> He Pin hepin1...@gmail.com (CLA submitted)
> Andrea Zito zito.and...@gmail.com
> Andrea Peruffo andrea.peruffo1...@gmail.com
> Alexandru Nedelcu m...@alexn.org
> Joe Brockmeier j...@apache.org
> Sean Glover s...@seanglover.com
> Greg Methvin g...@methvin.net (play framework)
> Nicolas Vollmar nicolas.voll...@altoo.io
> PJ Fanning fannin...@yahoo.com
> Daniel Schröter d...@theone.ch
> Michael Kohout mwkoh...@gmail.com
> jxnu-liguobin dreamyl...@outlook.com
> Salar Rahmanian sa...@softinio.com
> Jonas Chapuis m...@jonaschapuis.com
> Andreas Gabor acc_apa...@beezle.de
> Johannes Rudolph johannes.rudo...@gmail.com
> There has been a lot of interest in being an initial committer, and we've
> tried to pick a fair representation of interested developers from the
> requests. We want to be clear that we welcome all contributions and expect
> that the incubation period is the right time for this list to grow and
> evolve.
> *Sponsors*
> No company has committed to providing dedicated developers for the project
> but Aiven and Altoo have committed to supporting development as needed by
> their respective organisations.
> *Champion*:
> Claude Warren cla...@apache.org
> *Nominated Mentors:*
> Claude Warren cla...@apache.org
> Justin McLean jmcl...@apache.org
> Ryan Skraba rskr...@apache.org
> PJ Fanning fannin...@yahoo.com
> Roman Shaposhnik r...@apache.org
> Wu Sheng wush...@apache.org
> JB Onofré jbono...@apache.org
> *Sponsoring Entity:*
> The Incubator

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