Hi everyone,

I’m working on Apache Tiles porting to Jakarta EE (without support of 
freemarker and velocity, since both of them are still going with javax API) and 
my work is going to reach it’s end – all builds are successful, jdk17 baseline 
and updated dependencies (as far as I know) – but still uncommited to my 
personal github account.

I know Tiles is in Attic land of Apache but I’d which to make this first step 
(Jakarta migration) go to open-source world, without creating new projects out 
of the box.
Tiles is a framework I use on a project, with Spring and since Spring 6 has 
migrated to Jakarta API, I’m stuck to Spring 5.X if I stay on this. Changing 
technology is an option for frontend application but not until a good rework 
that may take months (or years, depending on time we have to do that migration).
Having a Tiles Jakarta port would be great since the technology itself is 
working well on my project.

Do you know what can I do to make this properly, according to Apache work ?

Thanks in advance for your help.


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