You could also look into how Solr was spun out of Lucene.

It would be up to your PMC whether to make the new PMC identical or not.

Doing a podling name search on
DataFusion does check a box for the board.

The best place to continue this discussion is


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> On Dec 15, 2023, at 8:02 AM, Andrew Lamb <> wrote:
> Thank you Julian. This is very helpful. I will review the archives.
> Andrew
>> On Fri, Dec 15, 2023 at 10:55 AM Julian Hyde <> wrote:
>> I believe the process is for the Board to create a new PMC whose IP and
>> PMC members are an exact copy of the parent PMC.  (Like the Unix “fork”
>> function.) And then both PMCs delete the stuff, and PMC members, they no
>> longer need.
>> Arrow itself was created via this process (from Drill). You could search
>> the archives for the board resolution that created Arrow. The Incubator is
>> not involved in the process. (Except in some minor ways, such as a name
>> search.)
>> Julian
>>>> On Dec 15, 2023, at 7:09 AM, Andrew Lamb <> wrote:
>>> I apologize if this is not the right list on which to ask this question.
>>> Can someone point to information about the procedure to propose
>>> “graduating” an *existing* sub project to a new top level project?
>>> Specifically, we are working on a proposal to graduate the “Apache Arrow
>>> DataFusion”[1]  sub project to its own Top Level Project. The DataFusion
>>> project has sort of been “incubating” within the Arrow top level project
>>> for several years and has grown to the point where it can both stand on
>> its
>>> own as well as benefit from more focused community[2].
>>> I searched the archives of this list [3] and did not find anything that
>>> seemed relevant.
>>> I did find, farther back in history, that the Mahout, Avro and HBase
>>> projects appear to have previously “graduated” from sub projects of
>> Hadoop
>>> to their own top level projects but could not determine how they did so.
>>> Thank you for any guidance you may be able to provide,
>>> Andrew
>>> [1]
>>> [2]
>>> [3]
>>> [4]
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