on 2/1/01 5:22 PM, "Craig R. McClanahan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Coding an app to the Turbine connection pool's API is certainly feasible, and
> it
> will run in this kind of environment -- but you will not be using the
> container's
> built in facilities, which allow containers to implement things like
> distributed
> transaction support, integrated authentication checking, and everything else
> that is
> in the J2EE platform requirements.

The other feasibility would be to simply make Turbine's connection pool
implement that API. Previously someone had suggested doing this on the
Turbine list and I rejected it at the time because the User didn't give a
good reason (actually, they gave no reason at all).

In the case above, you give a good reason and I would be for it. But, it
doesn't matter...cause you never asked and never gave a reason. You just
simply went out and did it on your own without even trying to work
together...oh well...more duplicated code in Jakarta projects and more
confusion for our users...

It is funny, I'm arguing for less confusion for our users and you are
arguing for more confusion! I don't get it. :-(

> Turbine grows features in response to the needs of its users (and, of course,
> the
> willingness of people to contribute effort to it).  So does Struts.
> A large and growing portion of the Struts community are building apps for
> deployment
> in J2EE environments.  Implementing features that are not aligned with the
> corresponding APIs would be a disservice to them.  NOTE:  The issue isn't
> "everything in Struts must be a J2EE API".  Rather, it's "nothing in Struts
> should
> violate J2EE API requirements."

Funny, it doesn't say that on the homepage either.

> Your comments about EJBs ("who needs them"  "useless" etc.) in mailing lists,
> and in
> your Turbine presentation at ApacheCon Europe, were pretty direct complaints
> :-).

My comments about EJB's are clearly:

They are only useful in a small percentage of applications. I say the same
thing about XML as well. I'm tired of people trying to fit every single
technology into every other technology without a scientific reason for *why*
it should be done. 

With regards to that directly, EJB's are also just one single technology
within J2EE. In fact, Turbine tries very hard to follow a core J2EE
technology that I believe strongly in...Servlets.


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