Peter Donald typed the following on 03:42 PM 2/9/2001 +1100
>At 07:33  8/2/01 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>Even in CPAN, you can have multiple modules doing similar tasks, each with
>>it's own API. And you have modules depending on other modules.
>Then again it is just a component repository. Each component utilising
>different patterns (or the same patterns differently).
>If we were to go the complete CPAN approach then we need to ask - whats the
>significance of the project anymore? 

I've seen the label "CJAN" tossed around before, which sounds very cool
to me, but somewhat different from a jakarta-util/dash/zarf subproject. CPAN 
doesn't have a central group overseeing the development of individual modules, 
ensuring quality, etc. the way Apache projects do. 

CJAN ideally should be a distribution center for Java components, frameworks,
and maybe even applications from many different sources, not just Apache
projects. A framework for how components are packaged and installed - 
is this what Tinderbox is about? - seems like a good idea. People should be
able to browse the javadoc and other documentation at CJAN to evaluate
whether a component is useful to them, easily download and install it
(using ant?), and easily submit patches to the original developers, whoever
they are.

Coming back to Earth, I will be +1 on a jakarta-util type of subproject, I just 
wanted to clarify where I think its scope should end.


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