At 06:56 11.02.2001 -0500, you wrote:
>>From the website:
>  JUnit is a regression testing framework written by Erich
>  Gamma and Kent Beck.  It is used by the developer who
>  implements unit tests in Java.
>I don't want to get into a discussion of whether JUnit is
>good or bad that will get us as far as a discussion on
>which editor everyone should use (which of course there
>is just one clear choice - the one I use 8-)
>But from by quick glances at JUnit what struck me was that
>it seems like a test tool for the "Java Developer" not
>a "Tester".  I could be wrong, but it appears that you have
>to write Java code in order to create new testcases.  That
>might be a fine way to go, but I prefer to have something
>a non-programmer could use.  I wrote my test tool with the
>premise that it would be used by a testing department which
>may or may not have any programming skills, and by keeping
>it nontechnical (or as much as possible) it can be used
>by a wider range of people - including developers.

I am personally convinced that not only does the tester have to be a programmer, the 
tester has to be an *excellent* programmer. The tester has to understand the original 
piece of code and predict the ways in which it can fail and catch those failures. 
Thus, the tester's burden is heavier than the original coder and he/she gets little of 
the glory. 

In many circles, juniors write test code, then become developers, then project 
managers and at the end managers. The order should be reversed. One should start a 
career by becoming a manager, then a project manager, then a developer and culminate 
as a tester. :-)    

Expecting non-developers to write effective test code is beyond the limits of my 
imagination. Regards, Ceki

>Just a personal choice, but I think you should be able to
>add new testcases with the minimal amount of effort and
>having to write Java code doesn't fit that bill, IMHO.
>Jon Stevens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 02/11/2001 01:50:15 AM
>Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Subject:  Re: Test Infrastructure Project Proposal
>on 2/10/01 1:06 PM, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> We have analyzed JUnit and feel it doesn't address our needs, nor the
>> integration testing needs, though we like it's Ant base.
>What would it take to make JUnit address your needs?
>I'm tired of hearing people start new projects without also giving details
>about exactly why they can't do the work to make existing projects more
>compatible for their needs.
>If you come from a Perl or PHP background, JSP is a way to take
>your pain to new levels. --Anonymous
><> && <>

Ceki Gülcü           e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (preferred)
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