Remy Maucherat wrote:
> I'm a bit disappointed by that list, which doesn't include Costin.

Before questioning the people that came up with this list, perhaps first
you should ask Costin if this is an opportunity he would be interested in.

While I will admit that I didn't ask him this go around, Costin and I have
discussed his joining the PMC. Each time I left with the distinct
impression that he was not interested.  I will say that I am impressed not
only by his work on Tomcat but also his contributions to the current
library discussions.

This certainly is not the last round of nominations.

> IMHO, the best election process would be to let the committers
> submit a ballot containing the list of committers they want to
> have in the PMC. Then, just choose the 10 - 15 committers who
> got the most votes.

That suggestion has some merit.  However, I am concerned that the resulting
list would end up with a number of people interested in some of the larger
subprojects and not many people interested in some of the smaller ones.

Getting coverage over the entire code base was the primary motivation for
this round of elections.  I realize that some view the 3.3 release of
Tomcat as a separate project, but in fact it is a release of a subproject.
There are quite a few PMC members with commit access to that code base and
who follow tomcat-dev closely.  And have helped both publically and "behind
the scenes" getting Tomcat 3.3 approved.

> To voice my disapproval with the current process, I won't participate
> in the current ballot.

That is certainly your right.  A d@mn shame IMHO, but nevertheless your
right.  I hope you reconsider.

- Sam Ruby

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