Conor MacNeill wrote:
> Ted,
> Sounds good to me. I think it would be better to start with one mailing list
> so ensure there is enough "mass" in discussions. 

I feel strongly that there should be a combined user/dev list for each
package, and I personally stand by the statement in the FAQ. 


Why is there a separate mailing list for each package?

It's possible that many users or developers may be interested in a
single package or two. We feel that if we do not keep the list traffic
separate, it may be much harder for people to focus on the packages they
care about. Since this is a volunteer effort, we must be very sensitive
to the time constraints and attention spans of our developers and users.
People who have a wider interest can just subscribe to additional lists.
If this doesn't work out, it would be a simple matter to merge the
subscription lists later.


I believe that if "the unit of reuse is the unit of release", then it
should also be the unit of subscription.


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