At 03:50  6/3/01 -0800, Jon Stevens wrote:
>9: what is the definition of "preferred"? Is that a "should" or "must"? Is
>that really what you want to say there? Again, the example of the db
>connection pool. If Turbine is going to integrate/use this connection pool
>that is defined by this project, it *must* have its configuration in a
>Properties file (or have pluggable configuration that allows for a
>properties file) because that is the way that Turbine does it. Therefore, I
>propose that all commons projects which have the need for configuration have
>a pluggable configuration mechanism.

The way it has been discussed the property file config would not exist in
the CVS. Turbine would instead create a wrapper that read property file and
used JavaBean (or another simple standard like ants) setters to "configure"
the component.

>Additional: the issues surrounding logging and pluggable logging
>implementations are not covered here. I think they have the same importance
>as configuration. My vote is that we standardize on simply using Log4J and
>its interfaces for *everything*.

Against the declared purpose of the project. What happens when the logging
JSR is finalized or they want to use it in Avalon/Cocoon (which uses
different format) or perhaps enhydra (which uses yet another different
format). Binding to log4j and forcing a configuration scheme would make
this just yet another framework.

The tradeoff is that you aquire intra-component duplicity at the expense of
inter-component duplicity. So each component will have it's own logging
wrapper  (see below for example) which is adapted to apporiate logging

interface MyLoggingWrapper
  void log( String message );
  void log( String message, Exception e );



| "Faced with the choice between changing one's mind, |
| and proving that there is no need to do so - almost |
| everyone gets busy on the proof."                   |
|              - John Kenneth Galbraith               |

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