>>> Sometimes competition in similar (or same) projects
>>> became a sane emulation (Pier knows what I mean :)
>> We're not competing with HSQL...
> I don't speak of HSQL Pier :)
Well, I am, and Kevin is... Our disagreements on visions for Tomcat is
absolutely unrelated on this thread, and might better continue on another
mailing list.
>>> And after all sourceforge is now a really good area
>>> to host OpenSource projects (java and others).....
>> ???? I don't see what you mean...
> I just say that sourceforge host today many interesting
> OSS projects and much more than apache.org (httpd/jakarta/xml)
So? Let's try not to get off topic here... We were talking about HSQL, and I
don't see how this fits the discussion.
> It's the de-facto reference for OSS developpment
I'm pretty happy with our little niche on Apache... And again, let's try not
to get off-topic :)
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