Sam Ruby wrote:
> If some particular codebase under the Jakarta umbrella consistently chose
> to take actions which were inconsistent with the Apache mission, then I'm
> confident that the PMC would swiftly act to disolve this code base.  I am
> not aware of this being done before, so it would be uncharted territory,
> but I'm sure we would find a way.  And that way would not require 100%
> consensus.
> In my mind, the willful insertion of newlines in direct contradiction to
> the "Code Conventions for the Java Programming Language" does not rise to
> this level.
> - Sam Ruby

Agreed. Though, at the same time, we should not abdicate our
responsibilities as to the general direction of the codebases. 

As it stands the PMC members have agreed to monitor one or more
products. Perhaps we might suggest that this monitoring should include
keeping an eye on the CVS commits and issuing gentle reminders regarding
the product's coding conventions, following Jon's most excellent

Of course, it remains up to the committers to a product to correct any
deviation (or let it stand), and any other member of the community could
also issue the type of gentle reminder. But the PMC member monitoring
the product may wish to set an example.

Ceki, and Peter in another thread, do have a point, and the code in some
of the commits has been growing lax as to following the conventions.
But, as Jon has shown us, often a word to wise is sufficient.

-- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY USA.
-- Building Java web applications with Struts.
-- Tel +1 585 737-3463.
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