At 10:44 04.01.2002 +0000, you wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Kief Morris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> >It is one of my major source of error when not using the '_'  and I
>> >have seen the error several times along with variable naming
>> >gymnastics to avoid the this. people would use aSomething or
>   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>> >theSomething or whatever. That look crappy in the Javadoc.
>> The "standard" way to handle this is of course:
>See above. People will often forget to type 'this.' for the same reason they
>forget to put braces around a single line statement: lazyness.
>I think we all do this from time to time...human nature you know...

People who repeatedly forget to type "this" represent a minority and
should perhaps look to exercise a different profession. The problem

public void setSomething(Object something){ 
  this.something = something; 


public void setSomethingComplicated(Object sometingComplicateed){ 
  this.somethingComplicated = somethingComplicated;

Ceki Gülcü -

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