I am sure Gerhard can give a better answer, but IMHO he abused a lot
the system.

The truth is that it can happen anywhere if people are not very alert
and ready to fight for their rights.

It could even happen in the USA and it is quite dangerous to think
otherwise (because then you are not alert).

Have fun,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ceki Gülcü [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, January 04, 2002 6:14 PM
> Gerhard,
> Is it fair and accurate to say that he came to power
> within the bounds and rules of a democratic system?
> At 17:58 04.01.2002 +0100, you wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> ><skip/>
> >
> >>Any democratic system is imperfect and hence flawed. Hitler was elected
> >>democratically although he soon moved to dismantle the system that
> >>brought him to power. D'oh, that damn Godwin's Law!
> >
> >Nein ;), Hitler and his NSDAP gets only ~30%. He became Reichskanzler
> >because the other so called democratic parties like Volkspartei and
> >Socialist where so quarreled that they were unable to form a strong
> >coalition to kick this asshole out and preserve my country from this
> >dark 15 years.
> >Therefore the current Reichspräsident Hindenburg called Hitler for the
> >new Reichskanzler, because the existing Parlament was to weak. After
> >his dead '35 Hitler began with the so called Gleichschaltung.
> >
> >Hitler slowly destroyed the democratic system, but he was *never* elected
> >democratic!!
> >
> ><skip/>
> >
> >  Gerhard

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