At 00:57 05.01.2002 +1100, you wrote:
>On Fri, 4 Jan 2002 23:23, Ceki Gülcü wrote:
>> The threat is to Jakarta's *nature* and it comes from our indecisiveness.
>> Real problems I see is
>> 1) lack of focus,
>Dont see this as a problem. Each project is usually focused on its dowmain 
>and the overall project has a sort of scope. Personally I would have no 
>problem widening scope of jakarta to include virtually any java project, 
>serverside, clientside, frameworks, products, etc but not everyone thinks 
>this is a great idea ;)

No, some people would not like to see Jakarta widen its scope and 
they would -1 any steps in that direction.  However, it is certainly 
possible that a majority of Jakarta committers would be amenable to 
the idea.  

In the system I am suggesting, you would propose the idea, have four 
other committers support it, and then launch a vote on the subject. If it
were adopted then the scope of Jakarta would be widened and nobody would
be able to do anything about it, not me, not Ted, not even Jon.

Widening the scope of Jakarta is not necessarily a bad idea. Your ideas are 
not all bad. (Don't get me wrong, there are not always good either.)

>> 2) duplication between projects,
>diversity aids evolution though preferably it would be intra rather than 
>inter project duplicity. However the PMC has historically not seen that as 
>desirable due to advertising. 

duplicity - noun, plural duplicities

1. a. Deliberate deceptiveness in behavior or speech. b. An instance
of deliberate deceptiveness; double-dealing.

2. The quality or state of being twofold or double.

I have read and reread your comment. It just does not make any sense. 

>> 3) lack of common procedures for doing things.
>This is the one possible issue I see. However I only see it as a problem for 
>the "external" interface between projects. Mainly this involves things like 
>release naming cconventions, targets in ant files, location of intermediate 
>and destination files in a build. 
>It really is irrelevent to outsiders what indent style is used, whether 
>anakia or stylebook is used yadda yadda.
>So I +1 on suggesting standards for external parts of project, -1 for forcing 

Indeed, that seems to be the consensus.

Ceki Gülcü -

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