
>At 11:34 04.01.2002 -0500, you wrote:
>>Ted Husted wrote:
>>> What would also help, I think, would be if we published more of our
>>> statistics. I know Vincent was working on a download stats page once.
>>> I've also seen people post interesting statistics about the posts to the
>>> mailing lists. A snapshot of how many commits are being made and number
>>> of unique committers making them would also be interesting. And other
>>> things, I'm sure.
>>> Now, if I only had the faintest idea of how to automate something like
>>> this ...
>>Stefano, I and others are working on this.
>>- Sam Ruby
>>P.S.  Food for thought: wouldn't it be nice if we could somehow merge xml
>>and Jakarta?  Then discussions as to where POI should go would be moot.
>>Gump doesn't care about these arbitrary distinctions, why should we?
>+1 on the principle of merging Jakarta and XML. However, you realize
>there are technical considerations such as the look and fell of the
>merged web-site. More importantly, what would be the scope of the merged 
>How should we call the combined project? ApacheGrabBag? SourceForgeII?
>How about all the C++ projects in XML land? 
>When do you think ApacheGrabBag/SourceForgeII and the httpd projects 
>could be merged?
>Seriously, I think the idea is worth our consideration. Regards, Ceki

No, I wouldn't merge. Leave the URLs as are, take the Forrest design and 
change the color ;-)!


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