At 18:02 05.01.2002 -0500, you wrote:
>Ceki Gülcü wrote:
>> IMHO, XML does not and will never have a community as long as two of
>> its most important projects directly compete with each other. The
>> success of one is related with the failure of the other. XML
>> Community? Won't happen in a million years. How the did Crimson
>> become an Apache project anyway?
>Look closely, Xerces 2 is the designated successor to *both* Xerces 1 and
>Crimson.  The developers *are* working together.  I won't pretend that
>everything is 100% smooth sailing, but significant progress is being made.

Point well taken.

>> The required majority for the adoption of proposals can be simple or
>> qualified. Even if the qualified majority is 3/4, this would be better
>> than the veto system we have today. Although a veto can be overridden
>> by a 3/4 majority, as far as I know, this has never happened in the
>> past.  Today someone voting -1 means end of discussion.
>> I dare anyone to -1 that. Regards, Ceki
>The rules you describe don't look familiar to me.  The ones I am familiar
>with are:

My mistake. I was always under the impression that new project creation
required a 3/4 vote *and* no binding vetoes (which I admit makes no sense).
Thanks for the clarification. Ceki

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