>So we now have three proposed ways forward:
>> >    Option 1.1
>> >            Each project put's their jar's back in - but
>> >            according to the guidelines below.
>> >
>> >    Option 2.2
>> >            We create a 'xml-third-party' repository for
>> >            all the third party jar's. Following the
>> >            guide lines below.
>> >
>> >            So we keep all 3rd party and alien code in
>> >            one place.
>>       Option 2.3:
>>              Don't import any jar back into the cvs, but fills a
>               complete and exact dependency list -)

I agree with Guillaume, 2.3 is the cleanest way and the easiest
to give coherent dependencies. And It raise another question, 
that you could require different versions of the same API
and so could have to introduce a jar renaming, as does
jakarta-regexp, ie jakarta-regexp-1.2.jar.

And when you have solved that, you're ready to have all jars
in the same location, ie /usr/share/java/ as used in jpackage
project (I'm involved in it with Guillaume) and debian-java.


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