> >    - I looked at the license and the words
> >        Ex: "You have chosen to download Java(TM) Message
> >Service (JMS) API
> >             -- Javadoc 1.0.2b
> >             Sun Microsystems, Inc.
> >             Binary Code License Agreement"

Two things - the mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] is more geared towards
this and filled with people who actually enjoy these things.

Secondly - the license you see in the above case is *NOT* the license the
ASF needs to be able ot distribute.

What you see is the license under which you, the end user, gets the code.
This is not nessesarily the same as the license needed by an entity such
as the ASF to re-distrubute code.

In the open source world, e.g. with an ASF license, it happens to be that
those two are identical - but in the general case, and sepcifically in the
case of SUN, that is not so. For this reason we actually have several
contracts negotiated out of band with SUN to this effect.


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