Costin Manolache wrote:
> In most cases the 'public review' is used to find spelling errors
> ( compare most 'public draft' and 'final' versions of the specs ).
> This means either that the EG is indeed so good that they
> create the perfect specification, or that nobody care about
> the spec enough to actually review it, or that the public
> review is just somethig to give the ilusion that  people are
> involved.
> So I understand your feeling the the 'public review' means
> close to nothing in most cases.

Don't do that.  In any argument it is easy to cast the opponents argument
to an extreme and then handily dismember it.

Doug Lea, Apple, and Caldera apparently thought the document, while flawed,
was fixable in public review.  This means that your point of view has good

Apache, BEA, Compaq, IBM, and Macromedia disagree and apparently felt that
the flaws were so deep that these issues should have been addressed prior
to public review.

Then there are the companies listed above...

- Sam Ruby

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