On 21 Mar 2002, Jason van Zyl wrote:

> > ( the startup time is just amazing, you'll not realize you
> > run 'ant' instead of 'ls' )
> I assume that ant is not made to take advantage of a multi-processor
> box, (I compiled some code on a quad processor machine and ant didn't
> really seem to move that much faster then on my laptop) but if I compile
> ant using gjc would it take advantage of a multi-processor machine?

No - ant doesn't have too much overhead itself, it's what it executes.

Compiling ant to native reduced the startup time to almost 
zero - that's the time it takes to load the huge VM, hundreds of classes,
JIT-compile them. About 3-4 seconds per invocation. All this goes 
away ( except the first time you run them ). Plus a lot of stuff that 
is not used or is used only once will remain on disk and not take up
RAM ( thanks to the OS paging of executables ). 

If you use ant with javac - again you may be able
to cut all the loading/jit-ing of javac - but I wasn't able to
compile javac to native ( I haven't tried actually - I used jikes ).

It's kind of similar with jikes vs. javac. 

Regarding multiprocessor - ant is singlethreaded, but if you 
fork the compilers it'll take advantage of the other processors.
( jikes or any native compiler will most likely be scheduled to
a different process )


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