Danny Angus wrote:
> Try and look at the front page for, admittedly a "one liner", but one
> without subjective overtones, which doesn't present a non-contributors view
> of many projects as the "Jakarta Overview Definition" of what the project
> is.

The overview has been donated to the ASF, and is under Jakarta rules
now. If anyone wants to make it more objective, have at it. If not,
leave it alone and it will wither away. 

Regardless of the content, it's important to recognize that the initial
author Did The Right Thing. The overview was prepared in XML and
required no afterwork to commit. This makes him a Contributor in my
book. If more of our users went to the trouble this person went to, we'd
have more and better documentation throughout Jakarta.

We are very quick to say "Thanks for Volunteering" around here. OK,
someone volunteered, and we got what we wished for. 

Apache stands for patching ...

-- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY US
-- Developing Java Web Applications with Struts
-- Tel: +1 585 737-3463
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