On Wed, 27 Mar 2002, Ceki Gülcü wrote:

> So, if I understand correctly the reason for adopting commons-logging
> API is for convenience rather than non-intrusiveness as a library
> (with respect to logging).

The goals of commons-logging ( as I understand them ):
- non-intrusiveness
- convenience
- multiple implementations
- simple to use
- secure 
- useable in container environment 
( and probably more )

Each of those goals is important. 

> With commons-logging, the end user will only have to configure the
> logging API that common-logging selects (or detects) but the selection
> mechanism is dynamic such that there are many ways and reasons for
> which the selected API will be the wrong one. This is the uncertainty
> factor I am talking about.  Uncertainty breeds confusion and confusion
> breeds despair.

Not quite - it's the same mechansim used for JAXP detection. You can
set a logging API explicitely if you want ( system property - no 
confusion here ). 

Detection is used to simplify users' life and reduce the number of 
required settings. The only possible problem is if the user has
multiple loggers installed ( in which case he should use the explicit 
setting if he feels the need) . 


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