On Fri, 29 Mar 2002, Danny Angus wrote:

> Morning,
> I wrote:
> > > I'm not qualified to put forward any suggestions

That doesnt stop most people, including myself from replying ;)
> Sam replied:
> > I respectfully disagree.
> Thanks Sam, I'll now bore you with my own opinion, and see if you change
> your mind.. ;-)
> I believe that there are two conflicting forces at work within Jakarta
> regarding cross sub-project dependancies,
> The first is the desire of individual sub-projects to provide their general
> users (the people who make the sub-projects' existence worthwhile) with a
> single distributable file from which a full working install can be made.
> James and Turbine(which has a version including tomcat) are examples of
> this. This gets positive feedback from users who want a shallow learning
> curve and a fast track to deploying the application.

We are going to try to aim for the single distributable file for 
periodicity, which should have a 0.0.1 release soon. For projects like 
turbine and James where you can literally lose users in five minutes if 
they get too frustrated this makes sense.

> The second is the worthy and intelligent notion (exemplified by GUMP) that
> no cross project dependancies should be satisfied by an individual
> sub-project.
> This is based on the notion that to do so will inevitably lead people who
> are installing more than one sub-project to have to maintain duplicates of
> some API's that are depended upon (is there a word for that?) by more than
> one sub-project, logging and ant for instance. Tomcat source distributions
> are an (admittedly poor) example of this in that they don't distribute ant,
> but the build depends upon it, there may be better examples.

I think that there 
is a growing trend among some projects to have test suites using JUnit. 
Perhaps there will come a day when Gump could automatically build every 
project AND run all the tests associated with every project. This could be 
done by having components that support tests defining a well-known Test 
that would call all tests for that component. Kind of like knowing http is 
port 80. Gump could run the well-known junit test automatically. If 
enough Apache projects used JUnit tests then Gump would not only be able to 
tell us if a build is broke but also if functionality has been affected...

I know I am a dreamer, but it could happen. The only thing for developers 
in all the sub-projects to do is agree on the name of the well-known 
test and implement a JUnit test suite with that name and we would all be 
one step closer to ending jar hell...
> I don't know how this helps to clarify the situation, but I expect a
> "Jakarta registry" is probably required, and the ability for sub-projects to
> define their classpaths as part of their installation procedure. In which
> case a manifest reading ant task could ensure dependancies are satisfied
> without sub-projects having to bundle them.

Thanks Jeff Prickett

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