on 2002/12/5 6:18 AM, "O'brien, Tim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Could someone put a note on that Login pages of Scarab that lets people
> know what the roles mean (what is a Partner, do we ever expect to have a
> Partner?), and that if one requests "Developer" role in any project that
> will be granted immediately.  Basically, my beef is that there is a
> *perceived* barrier to entry here, when in fact there absolutely none.
> ( Also, don't get me wrong Scarab is a great thing.  I'm noticing that
> Bugzilla doesn't scale well with all the projects/versions/components,
> etc....  )

That is a great request. In the ASF use of Scarab, we should just do away
with the default roles (yes, they are configurable) and simply just have two
roles: Root and Public. We don't need to categorize people in the ASF like


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