On 6/12/02 1:00 "James Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>> The Question I have for everybody here is does anyone have any interest in
>>> Porting any of the other jakarta projects to C# so that they may be able to
>>> run on Mono/Linux/windows & .Net/Micorsoft ?
>> what this sppose to mean????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>> ppl, why want you to support C#????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> Sticky issue, but from one perspective you could say that C# / CL* have
> more potential to be an open platform than java at the moment,
> considering that Microsoft has submitted most of the base platform to
> ECMA, while Sun still has a strangle-hold on Java...

Being involved with the JCP quite closely, yes, I tend to agree... And since
now C# is also available for OS/X, well, I'm game! :-)


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