On Wednesday, January 29, 2003, at 09:38 AM, Henri Yandell wrote:

On Wed, 29 Jan 2003, Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:

We have 'infiltrated' it. The ASF is a member of the J2SE/J2EE
executive committee (I am the current representative), and we have many
members (and non-members) participating in various JSRs.
Yeah I know. Thus my questions as to whether Apache/you should/could be
saying anything against the negative views of the JCP.
Of course we/I can/will. It's no secret that Apache had significant problems with the managing process of the JCP, and much effort was invested to improve it. If you remember, Jason Hunter was on stage at last year's JavaOne's announcement of the changes.

While there are still plenty of valid issues that people have with the JCP as a whole, or JSRs in specific, the intent of the ASF's participation is to be a constructive advocate of the way we think that standards and software should be developed. We are just one vote of many - we can say our piece, lobby and try to convince others, support our representatives on JSRs, but at the end of the day, we are just one voice.

FYI - Through the significant efforts of Jason Hunter, the previous JCP
rep, and others (Chuck Murko, for example), the ASF was instrumental in
fostering change in the JCP process, and will continue to do so.
This is about all I do hear regarding ASF/JCP.
What else would you like to know? What are your specific problems? is there a specific technology/spec that you are interested in participating in? have you ever interacted with the expert group of a JSR via their interest list or during a public, community review? I started my participation by just sending comments to the servlet EG, and I found them extremely responsive, far more responsive that I would have expected for a random comment from the ether. Of course, this differs from EG to EG, just like different communities differ on OSS projects.

There is a JCP mail list, but because of various non-disclosure
agreements made by the ASF, it's limited to ASF members, who are bound
by the same agreements. If there is sufficient interest in an open JCP
discussion list, I'm sure we can set that up.
Just the FAQs. Like, does Apache have a non-profit membership? So that
anyone who is an ASF member is able to be on multiple JSRs, or are you all
members via your companies?
The ASF is a member. Any ASF member is covered by that agreement, and can thus, if they choose, represent the ASF on the EG if the EG accepts. IIRC, non-members can also represent the ASF on an expert group, but it does require JCP agreements to be signed.

Remember, it's up to the expert group to accept members for participation. You are free to represent your company, if you choose.

As a member through Apache, does that cause any legal contractual issues
with employers?
That depends upon your employment agreement/contract with your employer.


Geir Magnusson Jr                                   203-956-2604(w)
Adeptra, Inc.                                       203-247-1713(m)

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