I echo Andrew's reservations. The reasons behind the restriction of
LGPLed imports are unclear and apparently undocumented. Such a crucial
matter deserves to be properly documented. If the restriction cannot
be justified, then it should be lifted.

I urge all Apache members and committers to carefully follow licensing
related discussions. The matter is too important to be blindly
deferred to the wisdom of the board. Think a little on yourself. Read
the BSD license. Understand its sprit. Read the Apache license. See
how much or how little it differs.

At 10:30 09.02.2003 -0500, Andrew C. Oliver wrote:
I'd like to state my preference that this ASF policy be changed in the near future. I prefer to be able to collaborate freely with other opensource developers. I find this policy needlessly obstructs this abillity. I understand that IBM and Sun (referring to Sam's earlier explanation) have a compelling coporate interest in being able to create commercial forks of Apache's products, however introducting LGPL dependencies does not prevent this, it only prevents them from forking that dependency. If that were a problem, them having to create a new proprietary edition of that dependency is prefferable in my opinion to the Opensource developers having an arbitrary barrier to collaboration.


This following is to the best of my understanding, and as simply as I know how to state it:
There is no reason that ibiblio cannot distribute L/GPL binaries, subject to the conditions of those licenses. There is no reason why such binaries can not be placed there by ASF personnel. Depending on the license, similar statements can be made about other binaries from various sources.
It is ASF policy at this time that the runtime of any ASF codebase may not involve the Java import of any L/GPL code. This is to be interpreted as the transitive closure of imports: if A (ASF) imports B (non ASF) which imports C (L/GPL), then A is in violation of this policy. Compile time only dependencies (like running Checkstyle on POI) are not an issue, though I would encourage everybody to make such dependencies purely optional.
The reasons behind this policy involve on an appreciation of the needs of people who wish to include ASF code in proprietary and commercial products. Being able to serve such a wide audience is a core value of the ASF. This advice is based on Roy and others having sought after and obtained legal advice and council. I am aware that Brian and others have been working to resolve this for some time, but I have no expectation that this will be resolved soon.
I hope this makes things clearer. I am copying board@apache in order to solicit clarifications and/or corrections. If you do not hear of any such changes in the next few days, please treat this as official ASF policy.
- Sam Ruby

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