To current members of the Jakarta project:

Is there any current member of the Jakarta project who would be interested in
sponsoring the entry of the Internationalization subproject into the

The Internationalization subproject would be somewhat different than the
other Jakarta projects in that there would be two types of contributors:

   1. the (traditional) code contributors
   2. the language translation contributors

So far, the reponses I have received regarding people would would be interested
in contributing have all been outside Jakarta - mostly language translators.
Since the Internationalization subproject would most likely fit into the
Jakarta project, it would help to have a sponsor from within Jakarta, per the
"Incubation Process" documentation.

The subproject proposal and initial code contribution can be found earlier in
the Jakarta General mailing list, or here:

Without a sponsor, I will probably move the code that was extracted in
preparation for submission to Apache back into the iToolSet package hierarchy
and let it pass as an Apache contribution until there is more interest in a
common Internationalization architecture within Apache itself.

Thanks in advance.
Robert Simpson

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