On Thu, 2003-12-04 at 23:35, Andrew C. Oliver wrote:
> So far it sounds to me like JCS is only used by Turbine and that only the
> Turbiners really care about it.  Thus I don't see why it doesn't just get
> flattened into Turbine and just consider it "one more turbine service".

|  Don't   |
| feed the |
|  Troll!  |
____/  \______

Come on Andrew, even you can do better than that!

Obviously you haven't read s single article in this thread, did you?.
JCS is neither a "Turbine Service", nor is it used by Turbine at all.
The fact that it has been developed under the "Turbine label", well it
just happened. But JCS neither depends on Turbine nor the other way
round. So IMHO it is time to move this (IMHO quite decent) project to a
place where it gets much more attention.


Dipl.-Inf. (Univ.) Henning P. Schmiedehausen          INTERMETA GmbH
[EMAIL PROTECTED]        +49 9131 50 654 0   http://www.intermeta.de/

Java, perl, Solaris, Linux, xSP Consulting, Web Services 
freelance consultant -- Jakarta Turbine Development  -- hero for hire

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