Tetsuya Kitahata wrote:
On Sat, 13 Dec 2003 10:06:34 -0700
Phil Steitz wrote:

I did make the patch and posted it in an email to infrastructure@ on 11/23. It has not been applied.

Darn! I referenced the wrong post. I got some feedback and incorporated that in a revised patch submitted 11/26. Attached is a patch against the current head that makes the suggested changes.

Please cross-check.

If we do get this applied, we should change the Jakarta Newbie page to point to this for mail account setup questions.


What I meant was to change the link on newbie.html to point to the new section on the apache site. I guess its OK to duplicate, but the comments about sending from apache accounts should probably provide a reference to apache.org/dev/committers.html

Thanks for applying the patch and sorry for my mistake with the reference.


-- Tetsuya. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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Index: xdocs/dev/committers.xml
RCS file: /home/cvspublic/site/xdocs/dev/committers.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.18
diff -u -r1.18 committers.xml
--- xdocs/dev/committers.xml    14 Dec 2003 00:16:30 -0000      1.18
+++ xdocs/dev/committers.xml    14 Dec 2003 02:27:44 -0000
@@ -282,28 +282,31 @@
 per-virtual-host configuration (at the end of the file).</p>
-<section id="mail">
-<title>Mail Questions</title>
 <title>How do I setup my email account?</title>
-<p>You can use ssh and Pine, put a .forward file in your user directory 
-to forward your mail to another account, or use ssh tunneling to 
-send/receive mail using a mail client.</p>
-<p>One way to create a .forward file is to use ssh to login to 
-cvs.apache.org and then execute the following commands:
-  vi .forward
-  i your_normal_email
-  ESC :x
+<p>You can use ssh and Pine, put a <code>.forward</code> file in your 
+user directory to forward your mail to another account, or use ssh 
+tunneling to send/receive mail using a mail client.</p>
+<p>When your account is first set up, a <code>.forward</code> file 
+should be created for you.  If you want to have your Apache mail 
+forwarded, check that the <code>.forward</code> file exists and contains 
+the right forwarding email address by logging in via ssh and looking at
+the file.  You can use the following command to display the file:</p>
+<p><code>cat .forward</code></p>
+<p>The file should contain one line with your forwarding email address.
+If the <code>.forward</code> file is missing or the address is 
+incorrect, you can create or update it using the command:</p>
+<p><code>echo your_correct_forwarding_email > .forward</code></p>
 <p>To set up an ssh tunnel for both sending and receiving, run the 
 following from your local machine (may require root access):</p>
 ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED] -L X:locahost:110 -L Y:localhost:25
@@ -311,6 +314,7 @@
 <p>where <code>X</code> and <code>Y</code> are available local port 
 numbers. Then configure your mail client to use <code>localhost:X</code>
  to receive and <code>localhost:Y</code> to send.</p>

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