i've had a quick google and i'm not sure that there's a consensus out there on this. i like the idea of modifying the .vsl file and i'd be inclined to add both formulations. maybe this would be a good question to raise on community...

- robert

On 1 Mar 2004, at 17:25, Christopher Lenz wrote:

Am 01.03.2004 um 12:53 schrieb Tetsuya Kitahata:
Use <META> tag.
(e.g. <meta name="license" value="http://jakarta.apache.org/LICENSE"/>)
Perhaps this can be easily done by editing /xdocs/stylesheets/site.vsl

What would you say?

If anything, that should be:

<link rel="license" href="http://jakarta.apache.org/LICENSE";>

(See http://tantek.com/log/2004/02.html#d25t1805)

Christopher Lenz
/=/ cmlenz at gmx.de

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