Yoav Shapira wrote:

> For interest's sake, let me explain what's been happening with Watchdog,
> as I think it's a useful example for other "graveyard" or "end-of-life"
> scenarios.

> We use Watchdog as part of the tomcat release process.

> A tiny change to the Watchdog build.xml would fix [a problem], and I've
> submitted a Bugzilla enhancement request with the patch.  But there's no
> one to act on my request

The idea of partitioning permissions within a TLP, as is extensively the
case within Jakarta, is broken.  A TLP is supposed to be a single cohesive
community.  Ideally, the PMC consists of all active committers.  Were there
a TLP for Tomcat and related tools, I suspect that Watchdog would be in that
TLP, even if Watchdog is also useable by other containers, and you would
have the necessary access rights.  Even in the current circumstance, it
seems to be that the Tomcat community might want to take responsibility for

        --- Noel

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