Christian Anton wrote:

> Is there a harder more terribly-documented install procedure
> for any other product??

Jakarta isn't a product.

> Why is Jakarta is comprised of a dozen or so strange components
> at varying stages of development and interoperability and
> documentation??

Because that is exactly what Jakarta is --- Jakarta is a community of
historic origin that oversees many projects written in Java.

> Why not install one single package when you can install, edit,
> install, edit, install, copy, install, edit...

When you go to the grocery store, do you expect to be provided with one
single set of cooking instructions for the frozen goods section?

> I wanted to install OpenNMS, which requires Jakarta

> I've spent the last couple hours trying to figure out how to install

When I read the installation documentation for OpenNMS, I see that it tells
you that you need Tomcat, provides a direct link to that project, and tells
you that it is PART OF [emphasis mine] the Jakarta Project of the Apache
Software Foundation.


If one were to RTFM, one would reach, which has links to the Tomcat
binary downloads, manuals, etc.

        --- Noel

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