On Sat, 1 Jan 2005 19:50:10 -0500 (EST), Henri Yandell
> I've fixed the various spacing issues in the XSLT system (over time the
> Anakia style sheet changed slightly) and as far as I can tell it looks the
> same.

BTW, the source files don't look the same - but that is an advantage,
as the Anakia output was not all that well laid out.
> I cautiously pushed a few pages up to check them out and then the whole
> lot. Still looks fine to me :) At least from the front page and linked
> pages, might be some deeper pages with issues that won't be picked up
> until we get around to deciding if they should exist (which is soon).
> I've removed the Website Maintenance link too, it no longer makes much
> sense and nobody seemed to mind the suggestion of killing it.  It has (the
> page isn't gone yet, just the link) a lot of stuff about using
> jakarta-site2 as a system for other sites (I thought somebody mentioned
> Tomcat did this, but looking at their CVS repo I can't see references to
> jakarta-site2).
> If the old version is needed however, it is tagged under the tag
> If anyone can take a look and see if they can see problems, I'd appreciate
> it a lot. New years day means not a lot of users looking compared to usual
> (though also not a lot of committers around to check etc).

I've not noticed any visible browsing errors in a brief check. 
The JMeter binary and source links work fine.

However, the <base> tags have disappeared from the binindex and
sourceindex output.

I don't know if these are required or not - could it be that some
mirror sites require them?

If they are not required, that is an advantage, as it means that
internal page links work much quicker. Dunno why, but it seems that
the base tag causes intermal links to be treated as being on a new
page, so the whole lot is reloaded...

Another difference on the downloads pages (at least) is that the meta
tags aren't closed.
The Anakia stylesheet used to close these by including a trailing /;
looks like the XSL version never did.

Perhaps it should?

> Hen
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