On Sun, 2 Jan 2005 11:54:22 -0500 (EST), Henri Yandell
> On Sun, 2 Jan 2005, sebb wrote:
> > A couple of other matters probably need to be attended to before the
> > conversion is complete:
> >
> > - make xslt the default ant target
> > - change the xslt output dir to docs
> Both already done and committed.

Are you sure?

They still seem to be in CVS.

> > The Anakia sections in build.xml could be removed, as could
> > bin/velocity.jar - in fact I'm not sure *any* of the jars are needed
> > once Anakia is no longer used.
> > And then the classpath could be removed from build.xml
> It's already gone :) All the jars went, I changed build.xml to say JDK 1.4
> was required (it might be 1.3; need to test that at some point).

Are you sure this has been committed?

> > build.bat, build.sh and cpappend.bat are also unnecessary - so long as
> > Ant is installed on the OS path. This is independent of whether Anakia
> > support is left in build.xml.
> You always have one that I miss :) I agree that these are pretty killable.

I see you've done the deed ...

> Hen

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