On Wed, 23 Feb 2005, Stefan Bodewig wrote:

On Tue, 22 Feb 2005, Henri Yandell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Tue, 22 Feb 2005, Stefan Bodewig wrote:

While it was using XSLTC, which is the TraX processor shipping with
JDK 1.5.  We now switched to Xalan-J's CVS HEAD.

I give up :)

How would I force it to be dependent on a particular version of

Check the jar as well as an xml-apis jar from xml-commons (or from Xalan itself) into svn, write a build.sh/.bar combo that ensures those two jars end up in the bootclasspath and force all people to use the scripts instead of Ant directly. I can't think of any other way, sorry.

I assume that the JDK stuff in the classpath is going to butcher even an attempt to use Xalan directly via the <java> tag.

The script would be as simple as

| #!/bin/sh
| ANT_OPTS="-bootclasspath path-to-xml-apis.jar:path-to-xalan.jar" ant "$@"

Hmm, you'll probably need to include a matching version of Xerces as

Painful. Geir's laughing at me right now :)

Maybe there is a way to do what you trying to do with XSLT in Ant,
even if it may seem less easy.  At the risk of overcommitting, what
exactly requires Xalan-J ATM?  Maybe I can come up with something
that's going to work with Ant, even if I have to write a custom task
(something I'm not really afraif of).

3 problems with Xalan->XSLTC.

The first is easy, changing xhtml to xml.

The second is the use of the redirect extension. In XSLTC it's putting the files into cwd and not into the directory of the target file. If I dig a bit into xsltc, it might have more available to its redirect tag, or I could add a <move> to Ant (if I could get it to work for foo*.xml instead of **/*.xml).

The third is just that XSLTC orders the attributes differently from Xalan, so every site build is going to hit lots of pages (ie bad svn diffs) if we switch back and forth between JVMs.

xsltc appears to sort the attributes of a html tag differently so if
we have 1 person using 1.4 and 1 using 1.5, our diffs are going to
be spammed by attributes rotating back and forth.

That's a problem. Also XSLTC requires far more heap memory than Xalan-J 2.x.

Hadn't noticed the memory being a problem, but wasn't really looking. The speed was impressive :)


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