I like "Components" the best ("Jakarta Web Components"). Apparently so does Sun (e.g. SCWCD).

To me, "Parts" sounds like what I need when my car breaks down.

And "brick" reminds me of a funny insult that was going around the net for a while:

James Mitchell
Software Engineer / Open Source Evangelist
Consulting / Mentoring / Freelance
EdgeTech, Inc.
AIM:   jmitchtx
Skype: jmitchtx

----- Original Message ----- From: "Stephen Colebourne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Jakarta General List" <general@jakarta.apache.org>
Sent: Saturday, June 25, 2005 2:22 PM
Subject: Name for commons-like area for web

There doesn't seem to be a thread for this....

The current suggestions are:

 Commons Web
 Jakarta Web Parts for Java (JWP4J)
 Web App Commons
 Web App Components
 Web App Modules
 Web Bricks
 Web Commons
 Web Components
 Web Libs
 Web Parts
 Web Tools

Of these, WebParts has issues with Microsoft, so I would suggest we avoid it. Weblets was also used by IBM back in 2000, so could have issues.

The most obvious would be CommonsWeb or WebCommons, as the general user community could link the concept to commons easily enough. However, there is a danger that it could be confusing precisely because of that.

Thus, my current top three are:
- WebLibs
- WebCommons
- WebBricks
but I can still be persuaded.

We do need to decide this though. Only then can mailing list discussion move off jakarta general and coding get started.


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