On Sun, 5 Mar 2006, Torsten Curdt wrote:

On 05.03.2006, at 20:21, Henri Yandell wrote:

I started to write a long email on the problems in Jakarta, on umbrellas, on the lack of a Jakarta community and existence only of subcommunities and on how it should be "there is no Jakarta Xxxx, you are members of Jakarta - not a subproject"; but you've heard it all before.

So, proposal:

Given that we are one project and that we should be acting as one community - I propose that we:

1) Remove SVN restrictions, all Jakarta committers can commit anywhere in Jakarta, with the exception of the Commons-Sandbox as it allows Apache committers in general to commit.

So a Commons committer can commit to e.g. BCEL and Hivemind without knowing the code bases? Hmmmm
That doesn't sound right to me :-/

Any reasons?

What's the difference between an ORO guy being able to commit to OpenPGP and a Lang guy being able to commit to OpenPGP?

Said ORO committer is able to -1 the OpenPGP release if they should so wish (presuming they're on the PMC).

TBH Jakarta feels less as one community ...but more like an umbrella. Do you want to change that?

Yes. Umbrellas don't work well at Apache and umbrellas who promote their active participants out all the time are down-right suicidal - however umbrellas who dont promote large active participants out should form their own foundation.

XML and WS are both facing the same types of issues - XML have hit on a nice solution of promoting subprojects out while retaining them within the federation while WS are killing subprojects and merging them.


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