On Sun, 5 Mar 2006, Rainer Klute wrote:

Am Sonntag, den 05.03.2006, 15:03 +0000 schrieb sebb:
Might be worth distinguishing the Mature/Stable projects - e.g. ORO.
[We're happily using that in JMeter]

Yes, I second that. "Inactive", "dormant" etc. sound negative while
"mature" or "stable" leave a good impression. And it is indeed a big
difference if a project isn't developed any further because it is all a
pile of junk or because it is complete, optimized and couldn't be

That's one of the problems, we have many different messages:

Alexandria - Dead. Unreleased. No future. Delete.
BCEL - In need of a bugfix release, design-wise ASM is preferrable.
BSF - Would have been in the inactive category, now active again.
ECS - Tiny user base. No interest in a 2.0. Unfashionable designwise.
JCS - Seems very inactive. Unsure on userbase. Keeps getting forked.
      (ehcache, jcache/fkache).
Regexp - Tiny user base. Dead development.
ORO - JDK 1.2 engine of choice. Inactive development - there is no reason
to start development up again currently. Slide - Too inactive to complete its TLP move.
Turbine - Umbrella of its own. Hard to know what the activity is in each,
          but the mailing list isn't that active.
Commons - Active, but definite areas of inactivity.
Taglibs - Inactive, RDC Taglib is about it for activity there.
Velocity - At least DVSL is dead - unsure about tools.
POI - Seems to be fighting inactivity.

Finding a label to match the above messages is tricky; "inactive development" seems to be the only one that fits.


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