On Tue, 2006-03-07 at 23:07 +0100, Thomas Dudziak wrote:
> On 3/7/06, Henri Yandell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > DbUtils and DBCP to db.apache.org sounds like a win to me; DBCP would
> > point back to Jakarta for a dependency on [pool], but that helps to foster
> > intra-project involvement.
> >
> > Betwixt, Digester and JXPath strike me as a bit more to swallow and XML
> > might not want to taking such bites. You want to go ahead and ask them?
> Well, yes, JXPath might be a bit much, but Digester and Betwixt IMO
> would fit nicely.

definitely not xml. webservices would be a possibility. not particularly
keen, though. 

IMHO moving would mean no more releases (too few full time developers to
gain a quorum outside jakarta). realistically it means shutting down
these components so it would be throwing code over the wall. would be
kinder to shoot them.

in terms of community, db would be a better home for betwixt: it's has
much more in commons with bean-based OR mappers than with schema

- robert

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