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The following page has been changed by TorstenCurdt:

  === Releases ===
+  * 06 June 2006 - BCEL 5.2 Released
   * 14 May 2006 - Commons Collections 3.2 Released
   * 14 May 2006 - Commons Logging 1.1 Released
   * 08 May 2006 - Commons HttpClient 3.0.1 Released
@@ -43, +44 @@

  ==== BCEL ====
+ The main contributors have left the project over the years. Obviously still 
quite a few users though. With a few people we managed so apply the outstanding 
patches and close many bugs. After 3 years we just released BCEL 3.2 as a 
bugfix release. Due to the lack of recent activity at least 2 communites 
(findbugs and aspectj) are known to have forked BCEL and maintain their own 
version. They have implemented features (JDK1.5 support, speed and memory 
handling improvements) that we would like try to port back. A GSoC student is 
currently trying to implement JDK1.5 and -if time permits- JDK1.6 support in 
BCEL. Contribution happens through jira without a special branch. We are in 
contact with the other communities. No one is excited yet - we got positive 
feedback. They are interested in JDK 1.6 support as well. We might have a 
chance to drag them back to BCEL. This could be a good chance to increase the 
number of active committers again. Hopefully we will see another relase afte
 r the GSoC.
+ Unfortunately only few PMC members (at least two) are on the development list 
at the moment.
+ BCEL moved to maven2 as build system.
  ==== Cactus ====
  ==== Commons Collections ====

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