Phil Steitz wrote:
Thanks, Dennis.  That helps and I agree with your arguments for inheritence in 
But why a Jakarta parent?

I'll leave that one for Henri to answer.

And can you answer the second question about addressing?  I am -0 on doing anything that 
cements "Jakarta" into the namespace above commons artifacts.  Sorry if this 
has been discussed and agreed and I just missed it.

As it is currently done the namespace for commons artifacts is and will be org.apache.commons, so there's no jakarta in there. The pom for commons does have a parent which is currently the jakarta pom. If Jakarta would be dissolved, that could easily be changed to something else, say the ASF pom.



From: Dennis Lundberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Fri 8/11/2006 9:36 AM
To: Jakarta General List
Subject: Re: svn commit: r430653 - /jakarta/jakarta-build/trunk/pom.xml

Phil Steitz wrote:
Henri Yandell wrote:
First few commit messages bounced on this btw, until I fixed that up.
It's a maven2

Can you enlighten the rest of us as to what this is for and what, if
any, implications it has on how we address maven2 artifacts originating
in jakarta projects?



The purpose of having a parent pom is to reduce the amount of
information you need to put in the pom of a specific project.

It also makes sure that all projects us the *same* information for
certain things. These things are put in the parent. An example of this
is which plugins *all* projects must use. Each project can then add more
plugins if they so desire.

Now I know some of you are preparing to throw in arguments about how we
tried to do this with Maven 1 and it failed. Before you do there is one
crucial difference. In Maven 1 the parent had to reside somewhere within
the same file system as your project. In Maven 2 the parent pom is
published to a Maven repository. It is then downloaded like any other
artifact by Maven automatically. So there will be no need to check out
jakarta-build from svn and putting it in the exact correct location on
your own machine.

Dennis Lundberg

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Dennis Lundberg

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