Phil Steitz wrote:
Dennis Lundberg wrote:
Phil Steitz wrote:
Henri Yandell wrote:
On Fri, 11 Aug 2006, Dennis Lundberg wrote:

Phil Steitz wrote:
Thanks, Dennis.  That helps and I agree with your arguments for
inheritence in genera;.
 But why a Jakarta parent?
I'll leave that one for Henri to answer.
Do I look like I know what I'm doing? :)

The Jakarta pom is there because it seemed like a good idea to share
things between Jakarta m2 projects and not just Commons ones - or at
least to try and encourage that sharing. Though I had thought that the
mailing lists in the parent would appear in the children and that's
not happened.

It didn't seem like it would be damaging to represent the current
structure and Brett didn't run screaming when I asked him :)

I'm not tied to it though - just throwing energy at the commons to m2
Can someone less m2-newbie than me pls publish the jakarta and commons
parents to the m2-snapshot-repo?  The sandbox parent appears to be
there, but the others are not and they have to be manually installed to
get any commons m2 builds to work.   That makes it pretty hard for the
non-initiate to build the components (e.g. [pipeline]) that are dropping
m1 poms.
I have deployed the poms jakarta, commons and commons-sandbox.

Thanks, Dennis!

Now I am confused, though, since we seem to have both commons-sandbox
and commons-sandbox-parent and the sanbox m2 builds seem to be evenly
split between them, though all (other than pipeline) are listed as
modules of commons-sandbox.  Are these for different purposes?

commons-sandbox-parent was set up by Brett when he introduced the Maven 2 build in the sandbox.

commons-sandbox was set up by Henri as part of the Jakarta Maven 2 setup.

So I guess we should be moving from commons-sandbox-parent to commons-sandbox. Perhaps Henri can comment on this.

Also, do we really want to have the individual components set up as modules?

I don't think so. After I had deployed the pom, Maven wanted to deploy *all* of the sandbox components. At this point I simply canceled the rest of the deploy.

Still in learning mode here...


Dennis Lundberg

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